Thursday, June 30, 2005

When we left Chicago yesterday it was climbing into the 90's. When we got out of the car in Duluth, it was about 60, chillier if you add wind chill. We had run into the front in the form of rolling fog dotted by lightning strikes coming off of Lake Superior. I pulled on my fleece jacket and joined my family at Applebee's. Micah had fun in the pool and we both enjoyed the jacuzzi at the hotel in Duluth. Next day it was in the mid-60's and we set off for Kenora, where we are now. Dan, Tracy, Dave, Erin, Sierra, and Hayden are here with me, Steve, Nathanael, and Micah. I'ts been rainy and floody here. It reminds me of the time about 15 years ago when Steve and I drove his jeep through U.P., from Sault Ste. Marie to Wisconsin in pouring rain, with a little Nathanael in the back of the jeep. We plowed through waves where there shouldn't be waves, and this year my Corolla is going through rain but it was nothing like that year. Yes, I'm driving all over 2 countries in a Corolla. Good gas mileage and you can't beat its reliability. This year it's a little nicer in that we have 3 drivers- Nathanael is taking his turns at driving, and improving each time.
Dad and Mom and Joe had to wait and pick up Irene in Duluth today at the airport, so we're still waiting for them to show up in Kenora. I'm at a Super 8 right now, and I'm on a card that was a silly CAN$5 for 4 hours anywhere in Ontario (and tomorrow we'll actually be in Manitoba). There are people waiting to get on here (the one lone computer here) so I'm going to get off.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

I'm in Cary now (just north of Chicago) at Ellen and Chuck's. Tomorrow we go on to Duluth. Weather coming west today was hot and thundery. Very nice. It's too hot for most people but right for me- mid-90's. Very dry in Cary but in Cincy and Indiana it's rained, rained, rained for the last couple of days. Big thunderstorms. So my plants are well.

Tomorrow my parents get both Joe (my uncle, not my brother) and Irene in Duluth. I'm not sure when Irene's coming but Joe's flight's at two. I hear he's selling part of his business. He has a Secret Shopper business he's run from his house for years.

Joe is my dad's brother. Irene is my mom's sister.

Monday, June 27, 2005

interview at Hillman went very well. Thanks for everyone's prayers and thoughts. Talked to 2 people, first in English, second in Spanish. Though I think I gave a good impression to both, I think I even impressed person #2 extra. Person #1 wanted person #2's assessment of my Spanish ability which person #2 said was excellent. We all 3 had past business links in common, which helps. Before I knew Person #2 (Juan) could speak much English, I asked how his English was. Then he started speaking English with just a slight Spanish accent. Turned out he grew up in Miami. Person #1 (Mike) had also lived in Miami and had taken a crash course in Spanish at Conversa a couple of years ago. Conversa does translations for Hillman- I should have recognized it from when I was managing projects at Conversa. I told them both my skills in the MS Suite were great, which is what they need- someone who is bilingual with good computer skills.

Now there are a couple more interviews to go. I think I have a good shot though there are many other well-qualified folks out there. So if I don't get it, I still know I have made a good impression. It was a good opportunity. I did the best I could have possibly done. Studied up on the subject matter, prayed, learned. I am hoping for a yes, of course. I think I really clicked, especially with Juan, but there are many others who would do well or better, so we will see. God has a plan. I have to be patient.

Saturday, June 25, 2005

Hi from wild, wonderful West Virginia. Here for the annual Bonnell reunion. It's hot and summery and the beauty of this place is incomparable (I say that about every place, don't I...). It's lush, green, the people are wonderful and friendly and it's just so relaxing and comfortable here. My in-laws buy and rehab houses in this area (near Clarksburg- small town called West Union). Today we saw their latest project. 3-story with beautifully refurnished hardwood floors. Old house with a lovely, full dogwood in front that Jim's going to take down (against everyone's wishes) to build a garage. View of the high school which proudly boasts "Home of the friendliest and most courteous students in West Virginia". This area is economically depressed though with the lush natural beauty you could never think it. You buy a house for a song here, gentrify it, and then sell it for, well, a lot more but not what it would be worth even in Cincy. Even in Cincy these houses would be twice as expensive. Three times maybe. In San Francisco the house they got would have been, no kidding, 10 times more expensive. No matter what condition. Even within our own country the value of the real estate dollar varies wildly.
Pix when I can get them up. Kids took them this time. Micah and Nathanael have been playing with Jackie. It's nice here.
Guess what- Monday I have an interview at Hillman- so- I'm praying! They called me Friday and the person said, "We've narrowed down the resumes and yours is one we've narrowed it down to. " She asked me a few questions and said the perosn hiring would give me a call within the week. I said I'd be gone but would listen to my voicemail every day. Well a couple of hours later he called me, so I didn't have to wait. Scheduled me to interview Monday before I leave for Crowduck. So I will listen to my voicemail and hopefully the news will be good, but even if not, I'm glad for the "nibble" and to know that people are interested. I would love to get this job. I'm praying! If it's God's will!

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Oh, I really like that job at Hillman...I saw it also on Monster...I'd really like to hear about that status sometime soon. Patience. I really like to be working and I like manufacturing the best. But I'm not so ambitious, you know...I want a job but I don't want something that's going to cause me innumerable hours of stress and worry. I just want something I can keep learning with and sink my teeth into. I realize that's probably what a lot of people want. It's the other people that interfere in the case of most people. Most people would like their work if it weren't for those darn other people who work there. In my case I get along with most people, but they don't always like me. So I have to be careful. Some like me and some don't. Par for the course. Anyway I always have to remember God really is in control. I like interpreting but I do like something where I have some little work area. Cube farms don't bother me at all. I actually like places where there's a little buzz around to keep me awake. Well anyway. Sorry to ramble on again. My blogs aren't that interesting now. I see my son's is much better. Mine tend to be indeterminate brain droppings. Cerebral garbage left littered about the blog. More for me than anyone else- so I can go back to "what was I thinking"? some day in the future.

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Husband just had it OUT with next-door neighbor Mike...Mike ran over some of Micah's toy soldiers while mowing ON OUR PROPERTY. Sometimes he mows up just to our house and we mow up the side of Shasceia's hill even though the hill we mow is Shasceia's and the one Mike mows is ours. Anyway the toys were right by the wall of our house. Mike and Steve have had some real issues for a couple of months and this just topped it off. Steve went out and gave Mike seven levels of hell. Mike paid Micah $10 and apart from Steve had Micah sign that he did receive $10. But not before the yelling, cussing, insults, etc. got so bad everyone in China heard it too. Well Micah sees how much Steve will take up for him, especially since at first Steve said, "keep your stuff in our yard," to Micah. Micah says "It WAS, DAD!" So Micah goes out and yells at Mike Boyd and Mike Boyd says "Bring your parents out here." Steve says "MY BOY says you ran over his toys in OUR YARD! MY BOY will tell you what you owe!" Steve later throws in a few other ongoing battles. "everyone calls you an idiot, and it's easy to see why! You're a total shithead, dumbass, etc. etc. etc.! You threatened to call the POLICE because I was using Linux!" What it comes down to is Mike is crazy. Steve is fairly deferential until a point, then he really gets pissed. Mike has accused Steve of running Linux illegally (how do you do that? it's free...)but you have to understand Mike. He's certifiable. Always has been. No one can deal with him for long. I don't get too mad at him because I just know he's crazy and you can't talk to him. He thinks George (that's H.W.) Bush flew a plane over his house, a government plane tried to shoot down his kite, Microsoft owns everyone and we're slaves to it... so on and so on....Bill Boshears has nothing on this guy. It's actually been sometimes funny over the years since he has in the past always seemed loud but harmless. But certifiable. I'm so glad Steve defended Micah, because Micah needed to see his dad stick up for him (sometimes things are strained between Micah and Steve). Since Mike HAD to have seen those toys in OUR YARD and run them over out of spite. Now his wife Kathy, she's hot and cold. I don't know how she lives with it. I really don't. She is sometimes mean as a snake, sometimes fairly okay. Lately just silent. She does have a beautiful voice and is in the Sweet Adelines. Incidentally he can sing, too, but unfortunately he's literally insane and will never be OK enough in the head to join something like that. Barring a miracle.

Friday, June 17, 2005

Cleaned the garage.

Thought about my job situation. Went to Hillman the other day. Hope I get an interview there for a specific job I applied for (admin/export coordinator). Interpreting hours aren't cutting it, and no more test grading. Done for the year.


Before and after Crowduck, job hunting.

Crowduck- hopefully peaceful. Relaxing. An old place with 30 years of familiarity. A place my family of origin nearly calls home. Probably the third home after Ohio, then Crowduck. For those who don't know, it's a lake right off Whiteshell Lake. Whiteshell Park, right on Manitoba/Ontario border, about 150 miles north of Kenora. About an hour east of Winnipeg. Family sanctuary for years. Crowduck Lake Camp. I highly recommend it. There are hundreds of places like it around there, but it started out as a place my dad and his fishing buddies went for years. Then he started bringing his family. I was really the last Troxel inducted into its legion of fishing royalty. I don't fish nearly as much and with nearly as much gusto as they do. Anyway, I hope it does Dave good. I hope it does. I am not going to aggravate his situation by writing my opinions on it all. Because they don't matter. In God's eyes all people matter. In my human eyes some people matter more than others. In particular one other. So I have to pray God's will be done, not mine. If my will were to be done, the people I love would end up collateral damage in my vain attempt to hurt the "other" whose actions have been beyond insane. That is why I am not God. You all can thank God that I am not.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005


Detaching With Love written by Melody Beattie

Difficult People. Few things can make us feel crazier than expecting something from someone who has nothing to give. Few things can frustrate us more than trying to make a person [into] someone he or she isn't; we feel crazy when we try to pretend that person is someone he or she is not. We may have spent years negotiating with reality concerning particular people from our past and our present. We may have spent years trying to get someone to love us in a certain way, when that person cannot or will not.

It is time to let it go. It is time to let him or her go. That doesn't mean we can't love that person anymore. It means that we will feel the immense relief that comes when we stop denying reality and begin accepting. We release that person to be who he or she actually is. We stop trying to make that person be someone he or she is not. We deal with our feelings and walk away from the destructive system.

We learn to love and care differently in a way that takes reality into account. We enter into a relationship with that person on new terms - taking ourselves and our needs into account. If a person is addicted to alcohol, other drugs, misery, or other people, we let go of his or her addiction; we take our hands off it. We give his or her life back. And we, in the process, are given our life and freedom in return.

We stop letting what we are not getting from that person control us. We take responsibility for our life. We go ahead with the process of loving and taking care of ourselves.

We decided how we want to interact with that person, taking reality and our own best interests into account. We get angry, we feel hurt, but we land in a place of forgiveness. We set him or her free, and we become set free from bondage.

This is the heart of detaching with love.

Today, I will work at detaching with love from troublesome people in my life. I will strive to accept reality in my relationships. I will give myself permission to take care of myself in my relationships, with emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual freedom for both people as my goal.

I found this on a very informative site about borderline personality disorder.

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Oh, and the sad news...

Now that it is out and announced and those who need to know, know...

My brother Dave and his wife are divorcing. I won't go into why or what went wrong. It's all confidential. Dave has primary custody of their little ones.

It sure is tempting to write my opinions on the matter but I will not.

Kid Stuff

Took the kids and Micah's buddy to shop for the fireworks Micah had been saving up for. 1st place in Ohio wanted me to sign a statement saying we'd take them out of Ohio. I couldn't lie. Second place in Indiana didn't make me sign any such thing. So now under close supervision we will let him detonate these things that blow up. (sigh) And since he's almost 12, his brain still has not matured to the point of controlling the occasional impulsive act. I know at puberty a lot of remarkable changes happen in the brain to ensure a healthy adult. In the meantime, Micah (and everyone within a 5-mile radius of Micah) are at risk. This age is more difficult in many ways than age 3.
School is out and the kids couldn't be happier. Still trying to get Nathanael to work on being organized. Smartest kid in his class but by far not the most organized. Just not really mature in keeping schedules, no matter how much I try. He's only hurting himself. His capacity is to get straight A's and then some. He tests well and makes straight A's on stuff done in class. The only thing that occasionally hurts him and brings something to a B is when he forgets to make something up, or doesn't do the whole project. Somethhing dumb like that. I've bought him planners. No workie. Then a small notebook for his pocket that worked for a while until he ran it through the wash. Then he took weeks to tell me that. When a couple of quarters could have bought him another. (sigh) MUST I do EVERYTHING? He has friends who are so organized and "cumplidos" that they get straight A's by studying everything (because their brains aren't trivia traps like Nathanael's so they make every effort to stuff info in there) and just being organized and focused. They don't have hobbies like designing fonts and submitting them to font design websites. They don't design tee shirts and make plans for business. They don't obsess over the impending ice age (okay that stage has seemed to wane a little...thankfully). These are things I love about Nathanael but unchecked he stays up till all hours of the night occupied with these things, then falls asleep in chemistry.
Last mid-term he was getting nearly straight A's so we'll see what happens for the year. Report cards for both kids coming soon. I don't expect Micah's will be so good since he missed so much school this last quarter due to the headaches and doctor appointments and the poison ivy that made him swell up like a blowfish.

Next went to the huge Friendship, Ind. flea market/muzzle-loading event. It's a 9-day event, twice a year. If you can't abide lines and lines of rednecks, NDN cooking, Senegalese dealers selling trucks full of beads, the Ecuadoran andino flute that lulls you into a coma with a muzack "Hey Jude" while the Mixtec one plays a narcolepsy-inducing Kokopellish love song, mounds of mildewed junk hauled out of Hoosier basements and attics everywhere, loads of discount tennis socks, piles of tee shirts spray painted with an impossibly-siliconed cartoon girl standing seductively by a 10-point buck and captioned by "Nice Rack", and desperate dealers pandering half-priced Hugo Boss, THEN....Friendship is NOT for you! BUT...since I like all these things (except the tee-shirt deer chick), I tend to make the semi-annual pilgramage.

This year, I bought an AWESOME hand-made cedar basket for $15, a little puzzle/electronic track for my little niece and nephew, and a cheap but extremely attractively designed watch ($10!). Micah bought, what was it, a sort of pellet gun? Quirky Nathanael looked at antique clocks and noticed when fonts were misprinted on billboads ("The serif isn't full enough!"). It was a fun day.

Friday, June 10, 2005

I love Gifu and GCWC!

Wow, I am happy all of you from Gifu visited my blog!

You can leave comments if you wish.

I will try to add more pictures soon.

If you wish to see more pictures on my blog, you can click one of the months on the right. Many are of my family (especially my children) and places I visit.

I posted pictures of Gifu in October of 2004. Some of you might see yourselves!

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Lessee, Friday went to Vir's and helped with a database of losses for her lawsuit. Lawsuits take so much time (sigh). Hubby and Karl and Aaron Taylor have one going (long story) - years and years in the making and years to go. Later we went for a good salad and we happened to pass by "You're Fired"- ceramic painting place. You paint and they fire. LOTS of fun. Our vases will be ready Tuesday.

Micah's face is MUCH better! Very into Star Wars. Even MORE into fireworks. He's nutso manic. Things that go boom make his serotonin flow faster than shoes for Imelda. Well his face is just slightly swollen now. We've been to the Y a couple of times. Fun except for someone robbed Micah of a few bucks today. He was SOOOO upset! we had a big discussion after that about making assumptions about who could have taken it... more on that later. We will be getting a lock. Silly not to lock your locker, DUH. But it sucks to be robbed especially at a place that values honesty. Today very nice, warm...Has been and will continue to be. Nights so nice and comfortable.

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Micah's been home YET AGAIN.... teachers have been informed...he got poison ivy and managed to spread it throughout his entire face, which subsequently swelled like a bloated tick...eyes almost closed shut...poor Prednezone for the swelling and something else for the itchiness. Last night he was in a lot of pain but today he feels fine, looks funny. A big fat face on a skinny little body. At first I thought it couldn't be poison ivy, but they assured me at the doc's it was, and they'd seen worse.