Friday, December 29, 2006

Christmas came and went and so far the only casualty was about 6 inches of my hair. I got tired of it so I got it hacked.

My private thoughts will go on the "draft" versions of this blog, so as not to offend anyone. :) Basically that means no one can read it but me.

The bathroom is almost done! It looks really nice.

Holidays at Steve's side were fun. Holidays at my side were, well, interesting. The upshot? Vows of lifelong soberness from my kids. Better than learning from your own mistakes is to learn from others' first.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Joe and Lois, Shelly and Bill and Madison, Carrie, Tom and Toy, Austin and Dylan: Hope you are all enjoying your 3 feet of snow! :) Sounds like fun.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Bathroom's getting worked on. Really doing this.

Have been talking a lot with Dave and though I am working full time I pledged my support for him after Maria leaves (hope she doesn't, or at least stays part of the time) as much as possible through the next few years. It will entail my spending nights at his house and getting kids off to school before I head in to work. I have my kidlets to handle, too- one going off to college and the other, well, I'm trying to move us before he starts high school because of the craziness that is Finneytown Secondary...trying to get us moved...have thought most of all about Wyoming (found the house and all but if that goes before we can move on it, there are others) and that seems, strategically, the best place. Now Dave is thinking Mason although he has also considered the west side. If we move close to Dave, the Hayden/Sierra sitting would be more workable for me though really Steve and I are still mostly considering Wyoming. Micah's education- prime consideration there, and it's close to both Steve and my work.

Blah blah blah on all of the logistics. God will help us work it out. I know He will. Dave is now no longer just my brother but he is my Brother. God is shining like a beacon in his life and he doesn't even know how much he radiates that.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Nathanael's short list now includes Carleton, Grinnell, Kenyon, Miami, and OU's Scripps School of Journalism. Is finishing everything up.

Saw Mom again and then Sierra. Sierra's Doing better but still has gunk in her lungs and is feverish.

Uncle Joe is going home soon and and MOm is going to go home soon.

Friday, December 08, 2006

Up in Oxford- visited Mom. After getting some info on what really happened to Mom, it looks like the doctor who messed up could be in for some serious litigation. She went in for a routine colonoscopy and is now pretty sick, due to the doc puncturing the intestine, and then they had to take 6 inches out and sew the ends together. Then come all the secondary problems with this...fever, risk of infection, the whole litany. Mom is more worried about everyone else than herself. dad isn't interested in suing. My parents are not a litigious type. But such an egregious error....? According to the doc the intestine was weak in that spot anyway, the intestines were in the wrong place, bladder in the wrong place. Well the doc fixed the mistake and in the process put everything in the right place, but Mom wasn't sick in the first place-felt fine and then during the exam the mistake happened- she could probably have lived with prolapsed intestines or whatever, or at least she could have had them fixed with much less discomfort than what she is dealing with now. Well Virgi and her mom have had no end of problems at the same hospital and at times I thought, wow, are they really doing all this wrong? But Vir knows her stuff, apparently. Grrrrr....well, we'll see if she's up to a suit after she's better and if she's interesting in lawyering up. My parents are afraid that if they sue no other doc in town will treat them. Now that doesn't seem fair, does it? Can doctors really do this? Is that why people are afraid now to take on Doris, because they're afraid of Virgi?

On top of that, Sierra's still at Children's. I saw her the other night and will go back tomorrow. I guess I missed a fight between Maria and Rachael. I just want Maria to stick around. It would be a good thing! Maria shouldn't take her seriously. Maria, if you're reading, please don't take her seriously! We love you!!!!!!

On top of that, my uncle Joe had a heart attack. Dad says it was mild. Dad usually makes things seem less serious than they are. So it was probably just a bit more than mild but if he's home in a couple of days as expected, then I guess it was mild. But now, like my dad, he will be taking a serious look at his own health and taking better dad and uncle have always seemed to think they'd live effortlessly to be very old, like my grandpa did. "Longevity runs in the family". Yeah, especially if you till the land until what, age 70? Which Dad and Joe didn't do. Which Grandpa did.

On top of that, well, nothing. Well, something. Trying to get Micah to do his schoolwork. Getting prepared to put our house on the market. Christmas and jingle bells. Ho ho ho.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

We attended another band concert. Nathanael is in symphonic/marching band and jazz band. In between Duke Ellington's "In a Sentimental Mood" and a rhythmic "Vehicle", we were all treated to Nathanael's clicking of Tchaikovsky's Russian Dance (Nutcracker Suite). He received a rousing ovation, more than any other performer this evening.

Next stop, Letterman!

Pictures of said concert and solo forthcoming.

I'm glad we live in this century at least. In the old days a lot of people died at ages 6 and 66. Today things like pneumonia and bad colons are quite fixable.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Mom's in the hospital now too having surgery. For people who don't get sick often, when it rains it pours.

Prayers for Sierra, please, who is very sick with pneumonia right now.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

10 things I like that start with "K".... this is from Toy...if you want to play this then post a comment and I will give YOU a letter. You post on your journal.
1. Kids- mine and yours. I love them more than life.
2. Kittens.
3. Kona coffee.
4. Kooky funny things that kids do.
5. Kettles of popcorn.
6. Kutsushita, especially warm ones. (Socks doesn't start with a K so I had to use the Japanese word.)
7. Keebler cookies.
8. Knowing a few things.
9. Knitting (technically I still can't knit but I like to crochet).
10. Kentucky, since I live near it and I like the hills.