Bathroom's getting worked on. Really doing this.
Have been talking a lot with Dave and though I am working full time I pledged my support for him after Maria leaves (hope she doesn't, or at least stays part of the time) as much as possible through the next few years. It will entail my spending nights at his house and getting kids off to school before I head in to work. I have my kidlets to handle, too- one going off to college and the other, well, I'm trying to move us before he starts high school because of the craziness that is Finneytown Secondary...trying to get us moved...have thought most of all about Wyoming (found the house and all but if that goes before we can move on it, there are others) and that seems, strategically, the best place. Now Dave is thinking Mason although he has also considered the west side. If we move close to Dave, the Hayden/Sierra sitting would be more workable for me though really Steve and I are still mostly considering Wyoming. Micah's education- prime consideration there, and it's close to both Steve and my work.
Blah blah blah on all of the logistics. God will help us work it out. I know He will. Dave is now no longer just my brother but he is my Brother. God is shining like a beacon in his life and he doesn't even know how much he radiates that.
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