Husband just had it OUT with next-door neighbor Mike...Mike ran over some of Micah's toy soldiers while mowing ON OUR PROPERTY. Sometimes he mows up just to our house and we mow up the side of Shasceia's hill even though the hill we mow is Shasceia's and the one Mike mows is ours. Anyway the toys were right by the wall of our house. Mike and Steve have had some real issues for a couple of months and this just topped it off. Steve went out and gave Mike seven levels of hell. Mike paid Micah $10 and apart from Steve had Micah sign that he did receive $10. But not before the yelling, cussing, insults, etc. got so bad everyone in China heard it too. Well Micah sees how much Steve will take up for him, especially since at first Steve said, "keep your stuff in our yard," to Micah. Micah says "It WAS, DAD!" So Micah goes out and yells at Mike Boyd and Mike Boyd says "Bring your parents out here." Steve says "MY BOY says you ran over his toys in OUR YARD! MY BOY will tell you what you owe!" Steve later throws in a few other ongoing battles. "everyone calls you an idiot, and it's easy to see why! You're a total shithead, dumbass, etc. etc. etc.! You threatened to call the POLICE because I was using Linux!" What it comes down to is Mike is crazy. Steve is fairly deferential until a point, then he really gets pissed. Mike has accused Steve of running Linux illegally (how do you do that? it's free...)but you have to understand Mike. He's certifiable. Always has been. No one can deal with him for long. I don't get too mad at him because I just know he's crazy and you can't talk to him. He thinks George (that's H.W.) Bush flew a plane over his house, a government plane tried to shoot down his kite, Microsoft owns everyone and we're slaves to it... so on and so on....Bill Boshears has nothing on this guy. It's actually been sometimes funny over the years since he has in the past always seemed loud but harmless. But certifiable. I'm so glad Steve defended Micah, because Micah needed to see his dad stick up for him (sometimes things are strained between Micah and Steve). Since Mike HAD to have seen those toys in OUR YARD and run them over out of spite. Now his wife Kathy, she's hot and cold. I don't know how she lives with it. I really don't. She is sometimes mean as a snake, sometimes fairly okay. Lately just silent. She does have a beautiful voice and is in the Sweet Adelines. Incidentally he can sing, too, but unfortunately he's literally insane and will never be OK enough in the head to join something like that. Barring a miracle.
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