My older son's spacebar is filled with, well, probably jelly and Steve's whole keypad is this rubbery, bendable thing, so words like "sunset" and "boogiemanbottomfeeder" should be separated.
I will never forget the winter of 77/78. That was da bomb. My school burned down during that time, too, so I got a month off of school and when we went back, we went to Millett Hall in a very makeshift school with classes partitioned by ropes on the concourse. It was sooo awesome for us seventh graders and thinking back, I wonder how those poor teachers endured. But I'm sure they also enjoyed the month and guess what, we didn't have to make up ANY of it that summer- we got a special sort of official governmental school-board top-secret meeting clearance and I have missed a month of school in my life- can you tell? I'm just a liiiiiittle slower than the rest.