Well, my idea of writing a note on Tom's collar DID work, after all. I got a call from the other family- turns out they were moving and their last day 2 doors from us was Saturday. They were calling him Melvin. We talked a lot. They made the decision not to take Tom after they knew he had a home here, and they had not been wanting to keep him inside all day yet they would have been afraid to let him out because it's a busy street. Turns out the man was a cat-hater and allergic until he met Tom/Melvin, whom he wasn't allergic to.
Well it turns out Tom has ingratiated himself to no less than 4 neighbors. The woman across the street, the woman next to her, the people between us and the neighbors that moved- he would walk in to ALL of their homes, get fed because all of those people were charmed by him, and all kind of thought they owned him, but who was doing the owning? TOM/Melvin owned us all. And he still does. I have made an agreement with the remaining neighbors that if they want him to just walk in their homes like he owns the place, that is fine with me. They would like it and so as far as the immediate future, Tom's house is about every house here though we are his official residence still. We just happened to have a lot of cat lovers here. He doesn't settle down and has no shame in lavishing affections in order to garner some bites of food. No wonder he was gaining so much weight. He's getting fatter and more lethargic, and no wonder. The neighbor across the street thinks he is still too skinny. She is one of those people who lets their cats grow into monstrous proportions. Micah is happy; he was heartbroken when he thought Tommy was going to be gone and lately he doesn't seem to get emotional about so many things, trying to be a tough guy skater boy and all. But he just lrrrrrrrrrrves his animals.
Lily and Trixie are really cute, and Weasel is something else. Pretty little kittens, and mastering the art of peeing and pooping appropriately is at least going faster than it does to teach a human.