Thursday, September 13, 2007

Bad day at work today. I really got slammed for daring to make a suggestion, and some people are realllllly hypersensitive and think I'm a total and complete halfwit. I really don't understand the response I received for something I was trying to do to help, but it actually fueled a big old fire...does this sound familiar...the thing I caution Micah not to do. I made a suggestion that it turns out has already been nixed and nixed and nixed again by the powers that be and that I had the guts to suggest it REALLY had people jumping out of their skin.

I really, really have a problem and now that I look back and analyze my life and situations in my life, I do have a knack for saying the Emperor has no clothes at VERY inappropriate, sensitive times. (If the Emperor HAD clothes on, no one would be so hypersensitive about this...there really is no good reason that I have heard of why this can't be's just that my suggestion agreed with a very arrogant, disagreeable, antipathic, verbally abusive person who happened this one time to be, in my estimation, right.) This person is someone no one can tolerate but they do because he makes the company lots of money. SOOOO is like any workplace. I tend to have a very lacking knowledge of timing, or knowing when to shut up. So now I am JUST going to shut up....everything is just yes. no. yes. no. If I don't know, I will find out for you. I guess I stuck my hand in a HUGE battle going on and it's time to slink away with my tail between my legs. I have a poor sense of who to align with, and I am politically obtuse. My boss blows everything out of proportion and makes it seem like the sky is falling, so from now on I'm just taping my mouth shut.


At 6:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't tape your mouth shut, just go with the Homer Simpson approach... go in to work every day and do a really half-assed job. It's the American way. It's been working for Homer for 17 years. not bad.

At 3:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL A LOT of people do exactly that. I TRY to do my best. Boss today was a little calmer. I don't think I'm the only one getting an earful, BUT... it's something NOT worthy of the earful I got. The one other thing he does is go on and on and on, overdiscussing things, even the mistakes of OTHER people (shouldn't that be confidential) to me...well the on and on part...that's annoying, because I do it myself.
The comment I made yesterday was such a small thing- I asked why couldn't some stuff 2 BIG Bermudan stores often order be stored in Jacksonville instead of Denver...well it wasn't unbeknownst, but only partially knownst, to me how many EGOS are entangled in an apparently objective, perfectly cromulent question.

At 5:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Plus how many times has Homer been fired, nuked, and caused Springfield's nuclear meltdown because of his lazy attitude and donut-eating? Mr. Burns can only take so much until he hops on a plane with his assistant to mambo in Key West. He's 102 already, time to retire.

At 2:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Burns' attitude is damn the environment, give me more money and power! That's why he likes incompetant workers that are to stupid to know whats going on. Sound familiar?


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