Things are just getting nuts. I'm having nervous breakdowns all the time. This is NOT the way to lose weight but I have. Steve is so angry he's filing a lawsuit. Has a lawyer now. If we just had a DATE for a return to school. But the principal waffles along and avoids answering questions, keeps it all open-ended. If they could just say 10 days I'd be okay with that (it's been 4). But now Steve has gotten pissed so badly he wants to sue no matter what they do, because Micah was taken out of school for a non-reason, for something he's already been punished for, which in itself was ridiculous, with no hope of an end in sight to this. Steve's now been in contact with the school board and ass't superintendent. He said he'd look into it Tuesday. Hey, all I want is a date but now Steve has seen what this is doing to us all and he's mad and once he starts he won't stop. I am willing for Micah to comply with any behavior plan or anything they want to do. Micah will go along with it. Steve is so angry right now at those 2 (principal and ass't principal). I could get over it IF they just gave me a date. I mean we've gone through the psychological testing now and they've been told Micah's not a risk for going postal. He's not one of those kids who gets on nazi websites and stacks guns around. He's so opposite. Very outgoing. Can't be a loner- always has to have someone around him. Good with animals and good with younger kids. Does that sound like the Unabomber? I have taught kids like the ones who do school shootings. I know this type very well. Micah is SO not like that and I can understand them wanting to be 100% sure but this woman is so weird and skittish and paranoid that she seems to make any excuse to just put this off. That has to be against some kind of law. Steve thinks they can't just exclude someone after 10 days unless there's a good reason and there is no good reason, even for the 10 days. Micah threatened no one, didn't get angry, is still not angry. He is on the downslope of adolescence now. Both my boys went through a stage at about age 11-12 where anything set them off, but their anger was unfocused, and I just knew those hormones were about to shoot off the charts. As Nathanael matured and just got so calm and mellow, I waited for Micah to do the same, and now he seems to be so calm as well. This kid just doesn't get too mad at anyone. The one mistake he made when he was still in 7th grade, making a list of people he hated, not even planning to show it to anyone, never even directly saying anything threatening to anyone, well a teacher found it and then he was expelled. It seems this is going to follow him everywhere. Meanwhile, some real nut job is lurking around waiting to shoot up a school and they are not going to catch him because people are wasting time focusing on Micah. There's a book called Columbine's Collateral Damage and that's what Micah is right now. He's getting most of his assignments but still we don't have the makeup work for Latin and biology. Luckily we can teach that stuff to him. Steve used to teach this biology and right now they're doing trees and all the various kinds of leaves. I overheard (shhhh, don't tell) the bio teacher questioning HRH the principal too and her waffling answers. This lady is haunting my every thought. The kids think she is 85 years old. I know she can't be that old but sometimes I wonder. She's IRRATIONAL.
On top of this, Micah broke his ARM tonight skating. We just got back from the hospital where they reset his bones. I got the call from work from a fireman who said my son had a fractured wrist from skating. It's not a HUGE fracture, but it is on the radius and there's another on the tip of the ulna. I asked if Micah heard his bone craaaaack and he said he did. He panicked when he got up and saw the weird shape of his arm- trying to find an adult who could get help- and they helped- ambulance was there in 2 minutes. I sat in the hospital while they put morphine in him (did little) and re-set the bone. Micah was in a lot of pain while they re-set the bone, but still barely winced. He watched them put needles and caine of some type in him, had sort of a Calvin & Hobbes approach to it all, like "This is cool, kind of interesting!" Kid's not afraid of blood. He said to one of the nurses, "How do you get used to seeing all these freaky injuries here?" His one regret? "Mom, I really hate that you and Dad had to miss the Bengals game for this."
yowza! what a clusterfudge! I hope everything works-out. But in the mean time, Micah’s injury could be used as a good excuse for why he hasn't been in school when the other kids ask where he's been. Although I'm sure the news is out all over school and some parents know the situation now and are pressing back in the opposite direction you're pressing. I can't blame them. I remember in 8th grade this kid from a cincy school was transferred to Stewart school because he had been expelled from his old school. He only lasted 2 days before he kicked Justin Purvis in the crotch permanently dislocating one of his "little boys". I'm sure that the parents of that district would really freak-out when they heard about "the new kid that in 7th grade..." Well, hopefully cooler heads will prevail. Good luck!
Well, you being on the edge of a nervous breakdown won't help. Try to be strong and lead by example. WWJD? He wouldn't be mad at the school. The principal probably feels her job is on the line and doesn't want to make any mistakes. Give them your other cheek and trust in what fate has in store.
Thanks two my brothers. Dan, this is not the same. Micah was expelled 2 years ago. He did not threaten or even get angry with anyone at this new school. You can't be kicked out of school for something that did not happen. Micah was doing well and then this happened. Yes, I think she's paranoid but he has a right to his education.
Dave, yes I get mad at the 2 administrators doing this. No one else thinks it's fair either. But I think it's justified anger and I'm trying now to work past it. I am not going to be a doormat but I can't spend all this time breaking down either. I don't thrive on this kind of conflict. I just want it to end. There is no reason for this.
I can't help what rumors do. Micah has a right to go to school and prove that he isn't a nut job.
Also Dave, I'm not able to get into Leah's blog but I would like to contribute. Steve told me what is going on. I know you want to help her.
Suing the school district isn't going to help. It will only make them madder and more determined to keep Micah out. They're just trying to be extra careful, especially with all the violence in schools lately. Wyoming is no different.
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