Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Micah LOVED his first day at school. He already has some friends who share his interests of skating and RPG's (in particular Runescape...I don't get the huge appeal...it's a game that thousands of people play at a time online. You create a character. You walk around in this virtual world that has lots of levels learning "skills" in woodcarving, arrow making, etc. etc. etc. You never actually win the game- you just advance in levels.) He came home and did his homework right away, and another comment: "Already 5 girls have a crush on me." Me: "How can you tell?" Micah: "You just know. You just know it." Aren't we Mr. Cool. Sloooooow down. He actually did get back together with his "girlfriend" in Texas...she's a person he met doing what...you guessed it...Runescape.


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