First time visiting my blog in a while. Just got hooked up at the new house.
It's just a wee bit warm out there... every day almost 100F. The haze obscures the lumbering, lazy cumulus, which occasionally cough a dozen tiny beads of rain. The thunder tantalizes without giving. The plants strain upward and open in anticipation, but the sky withholds until everything green turns a sizzling, thirsty brown and collapses in dry, cracked, hopeless heaps.
Well, that's the way SEEMS, anyway. Ya think it's HOT?
No, just a nice, balmy, southern zephyr...
Time to go check out the web sites I've missed for about a week. They've firewalled just about everything at work, including blogspot...
Oh, and I have to find out WHO has been letting their dogs dump their stinkin' business on our lawns. Ours = ours and Mary's. Mary is our new neighbor. She's in her 70's and is a real gem. She said to Micah, "I'll pay you five dollars if you can tell me who's letting their dog do their business on my lawn without picking it up. I'll give you five more if you take a picture of the dog in action."
Boy, Ann, you sure know how to write. What a way to express the weather we've been having. Mom
Wow movin' on up and got an attitude to boot. Do I detect a seed of neighborhood snobbery? Make sure all those leaves get instructions on which yard to fall in. Just kidding.
Haven't met any snobs yet. :)
People have the wrong idea about Wyoming. There might be snobs here but they would be too snobby to talk to me, so I haven't met them. This neighborhood is nothing if not a mixed bag.
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