I recommend you start at the "end" of this series of photos. Blogger only uploads 5 at a time and, while a huge improvement on how it performed a year ago, it still is too much for me to remember to upload everything backwards chronologically.
Ann, Periodically I Google my name to see what comes up. Most of the time it is a news paper article. I was confused when I got a hit in a blog It took me awhile to out that it your blog. So how are you? From your blog it looks like the kids are growing up and you and Steve are doing well. E mail me my e mail is suhithwickrema@hotmail.com
Thanks for all the pictures. I'm enjoying them all, old and new. Mom
Periodically I Google my name to see what comes up. Most of the time it is a news paper article. I was confused when I got a hit in a blog It took me awhile to out that it your blog. So how are you? From your blog it looks like the kids are growing up and you and Steve are doing well. E mail me my e mail is suhithwickrema@hotmail.com
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