Thursday, July 05, 2007


OPPOSITES DAY Sept. 29, 1992 - what fun it was! Isn't it about time for another one?


BUAHAHAHAHA! Yes, Al lays into Papa George for being best buddies with Hussein.

I vote by issue, not party, but this kind of inconsistency is one reason why I'm DEFINITELY not a DEMOCRAT.

It's not just the Inconvenient Doofus at fault here...see also John Kerry, Slick Willie, etc. etc. etc. kaFLIP! kaFLOP! Wheee, isn't this fun? Like a carnival ride.


At 8:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm non-partisan myself, but have you ever seen any of the Military Channel's shows about Bush's personal and business ties to the Middle East? He IS in the oil business, after all...

At 6:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't defend either of the Bushes because I'm not knowledgeable. I know they DO have oil in Texas. Bush Jr. and USA, Inc. destroyed Saddam. Did his dad have ties with him?

My whole point on this video was that Al was blasting Bush Sr. for not being tough on Iraq and for being buddy-buddy, and then blasted Bush Jr. for taking out Bush..."Iraq has no ties to terrorism"..."Iraq has no WMD"...when CLEARLY in this video he SAYS OUTRIGHT that Iraq had ties to terrorism and had WMD.

Now it is an absolute fact that they DID have WMD because, as Gore points out, they used them on the Kurds.

My point in this is that, no matter how much Iraq did or did not do, or how many ties they did or didn't have with terrorist cells, Gore flip flops over and over again...

when the TRUTH isn't CONVENIENT enough, flip flop!

That is why I'm hesitant to believe anything that comes out of the mouth of many politicians...and I've seen more Democrats at this than others, though it is by no means limited to Democrats. I have voted for Democrats in the past but this one and ones like him will never get a vote from me!

I tend to respect a politician more when he/she has a consistent view which he/she wholeheartedly believe to be correct. I respect Dan Quayle a lot more because he has taken the brunt of the spin storm and his career was destroyed because he just wouldn't sway.

At 9:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The USA tended to back Saddam in the 1980's as a counterbalance to Iran. Then when Saddam made noises about Kuwait, Bush Sr's ambassador to Iraq gave Saddam the impression that the US would not get involved in how they resolved their local differences. So Iraq invaded Kuwait. Bush's initial reaction was just jawboning, until Margaret Thatcher, who was in Colorado at the time told Bush the invasion cannot be allowed to stand. She gave Bush Sr. his backbone & resolve.

Bush Sr. barely got Senate approval to push Saddam out of Kuwait, not to invade Iraq. UN resolutions were the same. Hence, the big coalition to fight Gulf War I.

Saddam then tried to assassinate Bush Sr. during Bush's visit to Kuwait after Gulf War I.

I swear that right after 9/11, Bush. Jr. seemed to rejoice in the excuse to take out Saddam in revenge. Hence, Gulf War II. Planned by idiots, but executed brilliantly by the military. Whoops, no plan to occupy the country. Still no realistic plan, but then what can we expect from clueless idiots that won’t listen to the “greybeards” of Gulf War I.

People need to study history and understand its lessons. Uncle Chuck

At 11:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for shedding a LOT of light on this!

No plan to occupy is right- the US has no understanding of the Shi'a/Sunni conflict. Neither the Democrats or the Republicans know squat about it, let alone how to help broker peace between these sects. Add the Saudi Wahabis and what a mess. Muslims will blow each other off the map before they blow up Israel. SAD!!!


At 11:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

PS That didn't come out right. It is SAD they blow anyone up, themselves or Israel. There is very little about Christians in this war, either. The Iraqi Christians seem not to be targets very often.

At 6:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This coutry in generalized terms will never study history. We have the attention span of a five year old. We've had it too well off for too long. I think this has insulated us from real conflict for generations now. It's proven in voter apathy. Until 80% of the country cares enough to vote nothing will change. My interpretation of history is that the A-Me-rican empire is going to fall. How fast or how far remains to be seen, but it will happen. Am I the only person who sees this?


At 9:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, not at all. The other day Nathanael and I were discussing it. I'm not a big patriot. I have allegiance to God, not the USA. We discussed that the US will rise and fall like any other place- Some day if this place where I'm sitting right now is not part of the USA, then so be it. Empires rise and fall throughout the course of history.

GOD, not the USA, earth, or even Heaven, is the same yesterday, today, and forever.


At 9:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The rise and fall of the Roman Empire. They got lazy and soft from within. Lead water pipes didn't help.
Today it is drugs and unregulated chemicals and permisiveness, etc.

England is an example of where we are going. Uncle Chuck

At 11:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm having trouble understanding why ANY religion would agree to and engage in and support war. I have read my bible every carefully, and I consider any "christian" war-supporter to be hypocritical. Then again, what do I know?
P.S. That was not meant to be judgmental against you, the Sunis, the Shiites, or my mother.

At 8:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well I can understand that POV but... as a Christian I would have believed it part of my duty to stop evil. Don't you believe it was a Christian duty to stop the nazis? I myself could not have dropped bombs on civilians, no matter how many people say the end justified the means. I couldn't have dropped a bomb on Nagasaki or Dresden knowing how many innocent people were there...yet then again the nazis and Hitler HAD to be stopped...

At 9:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let me explain more.

Hitler/Hirohito/Mussolini/Franco- they had to be stopped.

The nazis were pure evil. They HAD to be stopped. The Japanese were committing similar atrocities in Manchuria, etc. The list goes on. EVIL had to be stopped but I would hope there's a better way than to lay waste innocent blood and call it "collateral damage". What does an innocent baby in Hiroshima or Dresden have to do with the innocent as a gypsy or Jewish baby dying in the Holocaust, or one of the "imperfect" children killed simply due to the nazi idea of eugenics.

I don't know how to resolve it. If anyone has ideas, let the world know. PLEASE.



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