Rules for Ze Loft
1. Consult to me before changing anything in the loft.
2. Leaving trash on the floor is right out!
3. Turn off lights when asleep or outside.
4. If you leave door open don't do anything bad....i.e., cuss/DP.
5. Respect all work done.
6. Conserve all food/supplies.
Stuff You Can Do
- Write on walls.
- Almost anything you want!
- Be a good person.
Stuff you can't do:
- yell
- jump
- burn stuff
- blast radio/tv
- bring weapons like knives/grenades
- bring glass
- be an idiot he he
Those are indeed Micah's loft rules. As a hangout, it looks great! He has old couch cushions and various other "found" items serving as furniture, an old comforter for a carpet, some old linoleum, some camouflage-type wall decor, and "walls" of plywood, etc., including a "door" that locks. Various other things that open and close using elaborate pulley setups. It is really, REALLY comfy there. I will know now NOT to bring grenades up there (darn!), and who he has to be telling that TO?....and no, I do not know what or who DP is. And I think the cussing is only allowed with the door sufficiently closed, though when I listened to them that time unbeknownst, I was actually knownst, and I really did know I was knownst.
NATHANAEL is HOME!!!!!! For a visit for a few days. I HUUUUUUUGGGED him and I am glad to have my baby back for a few days. He got a ride back with a guy visiting UC friends, and that is who he will ride back with. Thank you God for getting him here safely! He's been a busy guy and you can check that out on his blog. Right now he's helping Micah with his homework. Nathanael is the best at explaining things that, well, have gone a bit rusty in MY head. Last night it was rise over run.....and yes I DID tell him you will use it in life. Then I commenced to struggle with rates of change in the prices of bramblepots in Bangaloon (OK I am making that part up).
PS Almost forgot...Micah successfully completed the spaghetti noodle trick twice tonight for his brother's amusement. That's it. No more pasta for him!