Saturday, May 21, 2005

Micah's been getting those "growing pains" in his legs and wrists. Anyone else with this experience? Poor guy's been sidelined lately with colds, headaches, and now this. He's frustrated. But usually out running and biking so it can't be too bad. MRI is on Monday at Children's. Today I went to a Medical Interpreters' meeting and our guest was Charlotte, our contact from Children's. She works with interpreting there though she isn't one. They have their interpreters in-house but sometimes outsource. Right now their provider isn't even us! I have a feeling it could be soon. Just have to get us all trained well. We don't have to be certified by Ohio (yet). If we were, we'd be much, much more expen$ive.
I made a decision to turn down next job at DRC to see how the interpreting is. Katie's going to China, Rose is in Japan, Sophia is in Prague, and no new women are being hired, so I had to say yes for now because otherwise they'd hire someone else too and I wouldn't get enough hours interpreting when DRC hours run out. If I don't get enough the first couple weeks of June, I'll start looking for perm stuff and also maybe do something else at DRC after the family vacation in Crowduck. The annual pilgrimage. Land of mosquitoes, black flies, and no-see-ums.


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