Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Pretty storms out tonight. I've always just loved lightning flashing in the distance, the sag of humidity brushed away by the front gust, the swirls of wind rushing into the storm's eye.

Been spending a lot of time at the Y, usually with Micah + (pick one)Matt/Brian/Joshua. Today it was Matt. On the way home Micah says, "I have a girlfriend now. Her name is Suzanne." Matt says, "But I helped you get a girlfriend. Didn't I? Didn't I?"

As long as it stays at about THIS level in the sixth grade, it will stay cute to me. :) The giggly phone calls, the she's-my-girlfriend-for-5-minutes, maybe an IM or two. I doubt if he knows her last name. :) I doubt if he remembers she's his girlfriend in 24 hours. I doubt if she knows she's his girlfriend.

Received notice today Nathanael's being given an award at school. We don't know for what, and neither does he. But the ceremony is the 25th. So I'll have a reason to strut like a peacock (I've had plenty of practice being proud of my kids).


At 9:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pretty storms out tonight. I've always just loved lightning flashing in the distance, the sag of humidity brushed away by the front gust, the swirls of wind rushing into the storm's eye.

Very nice visual picture you painted there. Have you ever considered writing?

I have always loved big thunderstorms but we don't get them all that much anymore in Colorado. I remember some big ones when I was younger. I remember camping at Camp Fire Girl camp in the mountains watching the sheet lighting rage across the sky. Ahhhhh

At 4:39 PM, Blogger Ann said...

I do write a little and have had some poetry published. I've been lazy the last couple of years and haven't submitted. I'm going to try to get back into it.


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