Thursday, July 22, 2004

Let me do everything you do better than you do it.

I'm frustrated that I can't railroad other people when I find out I can do something well. I can't hone in on their territory without them getting mad or defensive. Well why can't I? Why can't I be imposing? It's so efficient! I can do it better!

Well OK that's all rhetorical, I suppsoe, but I do get kind of upset when I myself don't have a clear idea of what I'm supposed to do, and though it seems I'm always doing SOMETHING, though. But I want to do everything. Because I can do it right. I can make it work. I can do it cheaper, faster.

It's time for me to move on at least in a few months. I think. There's just too much uncertainty but I've learned a lot. I want to do this Japan thing first, if possible. I do like interpreting but how can I count on it? I mean just a couple of weeks ago I was going to do project management. I managed one project and then went to Canada. Am I gonna still do that or not? There's never a clear idea. There's always this main major plan, this track I'm gonna follow, and then it changes.

OK enough about that stuff.

I ran into Kecia today at the Y. Surprise- with a new baby! Cute little baby, 3 months old. She had had some miscarriages when we both worked at Chiquita. I remember when she got married, etc. etc. etc. She got laid off at the same time I did. She had just gotten a job at Unifund. Well that lasted for 6 whole weeks until she called them on some illegal practices. She found out she was pregnant with baby Anthony on a Friday and then told them Monday. 15 minutes later she was fired. Now she and 7 other people have a class action suit againast Unifund. You go girl! Unifund violated a lot of laws. 
Kecia was about 3/4 of the way done with her MBA when Anthony came along (her second, her husband's first- Kecia's ex and Miles' dad was a real mess, abusive among other things). Well 2 days after he was born Anthony was diagnosed with mild Down's. The kind in which the chromosome is elongated but doesn't actually break off into another chromosome. So he has some but not all of the classic Down's characteristics. Like he has the slanted eyes and weak muscles but his mouth, lips, tongue, filtrum, ears, intestines, & heart all look very un-Down's. And his hearing and vision are good. So the result is he will probably have mild but not severe retardation. He's 3 months and already smiling but he's a tiny little thing. Well Anthony changed Kecia's life big-time. After the initial shock and disappointment at the diagnosis she decided to get on this horse and ride it (enjoy "Holland" completely, for those familiar with that poem). She and hubby are so in love with this baby.  She now works at UC and is going to school for pre-med, wants to be a pediatrician! Forgetting about the MBA.

I also saw Loree the other day while we were both looking frightful with foils around our hair at the salon- she was laid off at the same time as I and Kecia were.  I thought she and BF Fred had moved to Idaho but as it turns out Fred took his consulting business to Tampa and Loree visits a couple times a month. Wondering why she didn't just move to Tampa (I would have) but she has reasons, I guess. Family? I guess I have to look at other perspectives about Cincy. Some people actually prefer it? Hm.  But to Tampa? Whaaaa? There must be something I'm really not appreciating here!

Our gray kitten is now re-christened Helen (after Mt. St. Helens' gray ash) by Nathanael and the ex-buggy one is Lucky. I guess we're keeping them...? The one with the hernia is Lumpy, I guess, but we haven't named the boy yet. Because we're going to give a couple of them we hesitated naming them. Well today I put an announcement up at the Y for free kittens. See if I have any takers. I think we're keeping Lucky and definitely Helen but I don't know how we can really give up Lumpy...we may have to keep her and not Lucky...but not if Micah opposes...

Sorry if this is boring. Will try to put in kewl pix in the future. 

One of the patients I worked with today had some high blood pressure due to some awful emotional problems- had a crappy boyfriend- wow, seems I've been hearing about a lot of loser men lately.







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