Sunday, June 27, 2004

ONE of those informal blogs that starts without a subject pronoun...

Went to W. Va. to collect the kids. We arrived home with more family members than when we left- in addition to the kids, we also acquired an as-yet-unnamed skink, complete with already laid eggs, and Maria the box turtle. Maria rode behind my kids' backs on the way home, hiding in the crack of the back seat. Mrs. Skink & children live in a bucket until the aquarium transfer.

We all attended a fantastic little bluegrass gathering out in New Milton (a town with a post office that once was the size of a push mower shed, but has since installed one that may hold a mower plus three or four good huntin' dawgs), and though a couple of the groups needed, shall we say, a little rehearsal, some of the music was just perfect. The harmony, the banjo and mandolin layering so well with the guitar, surrounded by campers, that hallmark of American gypsies (and real Gypsies too, the Romany kind), and magnificent summer foliage, right in the heart of hillbilly Heaven...listening to music by such groups as the West Virginia Cutups and 23 Special...what an awesome sense of well-being and utter contentment- a treat for every sense indeed-

For more details my son keeps a creative, humorous journal, which is unfortunately not bloggified yet- maybe soon- Today I realized he certainly his perspective on Florida was quite different from my own- he's got a cynic's eye and the witticism of teenage boredom at his fingertips.


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