Monday, June 14, 2004

Interesting weekend and very relaxing. I'm thinking of starting another blog of my poetry so I won't lose it all like I did once when I stored all the final versions once on a disk and then promptly lost the disk.

OK, people are saying Nancy Reagan's doing this, doing that. May campaign for stem cell research? Hey stem cell research is just fine as long as it isn't fetal stem cells. So much stem cell research is underway using all the other kinds of cells- bone marrow. Skin. Especially umbilical. With much success. Stripping an embryo of his/her parts is unnecessary, greedy, disgusting, repelling. There are body brokers who go about selling tiny organs. It's a sick and twisted thing, and these go to the highest bidder. They will get fetal organs- stem cells, fetal livers, kidneys, etc. from abortuaries. It's technically illegal but they get around it, and I've seen exposee on regular network TV on shows like 20/20.

Now my grandpa died of Parkinson's and Michael J. Fox has Parkinson's and Reagan had Alzheimer's. The idea of hijacking a baby's body parts in order to harvest it for yourself is such an abhorrent idea to me, I would not do it for Michael J. Fox. I would not do it for Reagan, and I wouldn't do it for my grandpa. I bloody hell would not do it for myself and if I ever get one of these illnesses and start to die of it nobody had better EVER start campaigning to get an innocent child's parts in me to try to jump start my nerves. I would rather rot for years. I'm going to piss people off but dammit to hell let them be pissed, that's such a SICK and detestable thing, to harvest people for body tissues for one's own selfish life, very little repulses me more. It is criminal. Unethical. There is so much stem cell research that offers so much hope, there is no need to resort to the sickest form of science.


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