I got another one.
Another blog. An anonymous one. So if you find it and suspect it's me, well, maybe it is and maybe it isn't. And just so you know,
All the names have been changed to protect the innocent. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely, well, intentional. If you accidentally find that blog in the million others and read about yourself, maybe you will recognize yourself. But...what I'm doing is hiding some minor specifics so maybe you won't. I really don't want to hurt feelings, but I gotta expel that stuff one way or another.
Today- kinda stressful at work- blah blah blah- long story short I was shown how to do some things and was doing them but these are someone else's turf, and I really didn't know. She got defensive and we had a discussion of sorts and I think it's OK. The boss man doesn't care how we resolve it as long as it gets done. Here's a nice lady who really frets a lot, it's kind of like she's going into super-defensive mode a lot. I can understand why because sometimes those vibes are put out, intentionally or not, and people seem to have been let go in the past over minor things. She's afraid of making one mistake and POOF she's gone. And sometimes Gerry really does act like that, he has a SHORT memoroy for things that go smoothly and things that don't go smoothly, or things that had nothing to do with you but that he somehow subjectively associates with you, and forever it's stuck in his mind. It's his own Achilles heel as he has lost business over this but it's hard to see your own faults- we all have our blind spots. He needs this feedback but I'm afraid he won't listen. "Hey, you're making your employees nervous and hyper even though you're on the surface so laid-back and informal..."
From what I understand anonymous blogs are password protected and not viewable to the public - Check it to be sure! not sure why you would want cyber freaks like myself to view your laundry even if the names have been changed :)
Well I typed in the address of it and there it was- so I hope some well-meaning person (Christian hopefully) reads it and prays for the anonymous basket case. Well I've only written one real entry and then the next day a couple more sentences. Nothing since then. It was mostly venting. You're not a "freak" and if you ever do see it, since you know me best (from the fact that I've downloaded on you so much, and you've seen my heaping basketfull of dirty laundry, all of the pieces of clothing, whereas most people I know have seen maybe a bra here or a tube sock there, but you've seen the whole sickening wardrobe), I won't worry.
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