Thursday, May 20, 2004


Micah and Bryan are setting off fireworks, Nathanael wants me to go on a bikeride today at Winton Woods; however, I've told Micah and Bryan I'd take them to the Y tonight. I told Nathanael the bike ride's definitely on for tomorrow night.

I love the weather- hot and summery and I actually don't mind it humid. In fact my skin feels healthier. I like hot dry weather too but cold dry, I cannot stand.

House is messy but at least remodeled. So though my kitchen's messy and dishes pile up in the sink, at least it's otherwise a pretty kitchen.

Steve's been yelling at me to get Fiona and the quints out of their makeshift home in the "ugly" bathroom. They don't poop and pee yet really (well I mean, to be specific Fiona licks up their poop and pee, did you want to know that?)...because they're still being nursed 100% (See Mammals 101, Line 25 of text Mammals Я Us, , "Baby mammal poop isn't really bad-smelling until the babies eat other food.") They have a little bed there. What could be as benign as a basket full of kittens? Yet somehow my husband views this innocuous little pile of mewing, furry innocents as a threat to his security, livelihood, and manly man-ness. So soon, the quints will be relegated to non-human status in the shed.


At 4:45 PM, Blogger vir said...

Sorry about the quints :( I know you will miss their sweet fury little bodies in the house. About messy houses -- I have mentioned it before but just in case you are more ready now....



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