Polar Bear People
Steve cleans the polar bear cage at the Cinci. Zoo as a volunteer. (Also cleans after manatees at the Newport Aquarium.) Both jobs are scuba jobs. Today Steve took me on his motorcycle to Newport to an outing of the polar bear people/Cinti. dive shop people at the new German restaurant. Nice polka band, lots of sauerkraut about. Fun time. However, during the middle of it for some reason I just got really sleepy. I didn't feel sick, just sleepy. I think it's the anemia- I have a lot of trouble keeping my iron level up, blah blah blah...he wanted to take a walk on the Purple People Bridge but I was too sleepy. I felt like a whiner; after all one of the zoo volunteers is an older lady who's got lung cancer, and she has more energy than I do. I didn't want to be sleepy but I was. We came home and I took a long nap as the cicadas trilled outside in their otherworldly tones. A beautiful day.
Nathanael is reading another Harry Potter story to Micah and I'm watching Fox news. The quints are happy and I'm cleaning and folding clothes.
This is Nathanael. I, showing my skills as a proficient Internet user, sent a "forgot username" message to Blogger and found Mom's moniker. Then I took an educated guess as to her password, based on another password I know of hers. So here's what I wanted to say:
"Manatee" comes from "manati", Greek for "breast".
(I think It's Greek, anyhow.)
Mom, why don't you allow anonymous comments? Your friend* does.
*Virgi: muttering.blogspot.com
I didn't know it didn't allow anonymous comments. I'll try to fix it.
yeah Mom why don't you allow anonymous posts vir does ;)
Hey let Nathanael know I will be responding to his post, at the hosp all day sun with only three hrs sleep-still recuperating...
I don't know how to set it for anonymous posts. It says right here "this blog does not allow anonymous comments" but I don't know how to get it to allow it!
OK I fixed it- anyone can comment. And please do.
Ok, here's an "anonymous" posting. Keep up the good work!
Aunt E.
Bat babe, slide me a piece of da porter, drinkside run the java. yeah, i could go for some greens down chompin' down butter-dragon tru da garden. Sheeeea...Golly.
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