Sunday, May 23, 2004

Polar Bear People

Steve cleans the polar bear cage at the Cinci. Zoo as a volunteer. (Also cleans after manatees at the Newport Aquarium.) Both jobs are scuba jobs. Today Steve took me on his motorcycle to Newport to an outing of the polar bear people/Cinti. dive shop people at the new German restaurant. Nice polka band, lots of sauerkraut about. Fun time. However, during the middle of it for some reason I just got really sleepy. I didn't feel sick, just sleepy. I think it's the anemia- I have a lot of trouble keeping my iron level up, blah blah blah...he wanted to take a walk on the Purple People Bridge but I was too sleepy. I felt like a whiner; after all one of the zoo volunteers is an older lady who's got lung cancer, and she has more energy than I do. I didn't want to be sleepy but I was. We came home and I took a long nap as the cicadas trilled outside in their otherworldly tones. A beautiful day.

Nathanael is reading another Harry Potter story to Micah and I'm watching Fox news. The quints are happy and I'm cleaning and folding clothes.


At 1:51 PM, Blogger Ann said...

This is Nathanael. I, showing my skills as a proficient Internet user, sent a "forgot username" message to Blogger and found Mom's moniker. Then I took an educated guess as to her password, based on another password I know of hers. So here's what I wanted to say:

"Manatee" comes from "manati", Greek for "breast".

(I think It's Greek, anyhow.)

Mom, why don't you allow anonymous comments? Your friend* does.


At 1:52 PM, Blogger Ann said...

I didn't know it didn't allow anonymous comments. I'll try to fix it.

At 8:21 PM, Blogger vir said...

yeah Mom why don't you allow anonymous posts vir does ;)
Hey let Nathanael know I will be responding to his post, at the hosp all day sun with only three hrs sleep-still recuperating...

At 8:59 PM, Blogger Ann said...

I don't know how to set it for anonymous posts. It says right here "this blog does not allow anonymous comments" but I don't know how to get it to allow it!

At 9:09 PM, Blogger Ann said...

OK I fixed it- anyone can comment. And please do.

At 2:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, here's an "anonymous" posting. Keep up the good work!

Aunt E.

At 8:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bat babe, slide me a piece of da porter, drinkside run the java. yeah, i could go for some greens down chompin' down butter-dragon tru da garden. Sheeeea...Golly.


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