Wednesday, June 07, 2006

All right, I have been ruminating about the last responses to my post (Dan, and I don't know, but is the second poster Tracy?- not sure), but here goes:

I was responding to some things I had read over the weekend and hadn't meant to start this, and some things I wrote have been taken completely out of context or misinterpreted (my fault)but since you guys have broached some topics in and of yourselves, I will respond.

Poster 2 quoted Thomas Jefferson, and here's where what I'm saying differs.
I completely agree with him. If someone says there is no god or twenty or that the moon is made of green cheese, or that they can run 500 miles an hour, what difference does it make to me? NONE. It makes no difference to me what that person thinks.

But let me reiterate: I AM NOT TALKING ABOUT ME.

Here's another paradigm and TRY to think through this and bear with me:

The REALITY is that there IS either no god, or one God, or twenty, or something.

The reality is that the moon is made of green cheese, or tofu, or rocks, or we are all imagining it, or some other alternative. What IS it made of? Well most people agree that the evidence is rocks. Before we could send anyone out there, we still believed it to be made of rocks, there was some proof of that, even though it was based on conjecture....but we did make some observations...

Likewise, I know that there is a reality, there is a God. I have seen evidence for myself. If others don't believe that, it is because they don't see that evidence, or I have trouble communicating it, or others don't want to hear it. One of those three. I can go into a lot of details communicating it, but if there are problems with the way I present it, it's just wasted breath. Or if others don't care to hear it, it is going to fall on deaf or unwilling ears. Or people who believe some other testimony, as in green cheese. Some people may believe for all they are worth that the moon is made of green cheese and I'm not arguing for their right to believe that. But the FACT is, it is not.

Now for the "young and immature" comment.
That was a response to my reading literature in which children and babies, they are carried into Heaven, they are too young to make any decisions like this, even though were they to live long enough they would mess up like the rest of us. And Jesus Christ says we are supposed to become like little children.

The gay/lesbian marriage thing- where did that come from??? People are reading a LOT into my posts I don't ever write or even imply! That just shows what the culture in general reads into Christianity. You don't come to it with a clean slate, just a lot of jaded thoughts due to what your preconceived notions already are...?

It does NOT matter to me whether you don't believe in God. I am not concerned that you agree with ME on anything! It is NOT ABOUT ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Get it straight!


At 9:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

All right, here's the deal, I simply take a provisional approach to your claims. Answer me three questions and we can get to the nuts and bolts of this theme.

1. Is Christianity a theory? (Yes or No)

2. Do you admit that your beliefs in God, Jesus and Christianity may be false? (Yes or No)

3. Explain your evidence of God and prove its effectuality

And by the way, the second poster is Tracy, you struck a nerve. Don't worry, she's not mad at you or anything, she just feels compelled to throw in her 2 cents. I however throw in a lot of money, the question is whether or not my investment will post returns.


At 7:09 AM, Blogger Ann said...

Wow, I am going to answer your questions. First I have to figure out how I am going to explain it, not because I don't believe in my answers, but because I don't believe I can formulate my answers well enough off the cuff. It is my shortcoming for being unable to explain well something that makes total sense to me.

PS didn't mean to strike a nerve, not because I'm afraid to strike them, but because the "immature" comment was misinterpreted.

At 5:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, answering #1 and #2 should be easy (yes or no). I wish you the best of luck in answering #3. It's not a shortcoming in your literary prowess that will fail you. I suspect you will be in the same huge boat, ark if you will, that the rest of believers are in when they try to explain their proof. It's a sinking ship.

Are there any other of you blog readers interested in joining this conversation? Take either side, a totally different one or none at all. Peace.


At 6:51 AM, Blogger vir said...

wow cool discussion I think you will be surprised at the answers Christians (many who are former athiests)can give you to your questions.



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