Computers having downtime at work so I have a few free moments.
I read some things this weekend, some enlightening and some very sobering. It is changing my life. And it doesn't matter if my life has changed if that cannot produce the change in other lives.
Say someone is laughing and joking and running. He is so busy with his life and its concerns that he doesn't realize he is running toward a high cliff. He is going to fall from the cliff. I am the ONLY one who can see what is happening. When I try to warn him, he tells me not to spoil his day. He can do as he pleases. And if there is a cliff, he will just then jump off, who cares. I guess it is up to me, then, to warn him and tell him and provide him with a road to the bridge. If he is attentive and listens to me, he will do that and pay attention to where he is going. But if he doesn't like my message, and continues, and continues, until he falls from the cliff, I can grieve for him that he didn't listen, but I cannot for all my life make him listen.
The enlightening fact is there is a bridge. And those who are too young or immature to understand the warning to go across the bridge, are carried over the bridge. The sobering problem is that there is a cliff and so many people are falling off it quite willingly, not believing it is a serious problem.
Went to Erin's graduation celebration at Dave's. Dave wasn't there but guess-who showed up with her new husband. She had gotten thin during the divorce, but has now ballooned out like a pufferfish. She was living in another world. Of course I was polite because she is the mother of those children. Dan and Tracy and Maria had a harder time being nice to her. Husband #4 is clueless about the whole situation that has led up to where he entered the picture. He just looked lost and paced around smoking cigarettes making small conversation and trying to be nice. I could tell he was a bit agitated. Steve zoned out the whole time. I played with the children. I hold no grudge against Rachael because I know she's lost.
Take me to the cliff, I go willingly. The bridge is a farce. If Jesus is so great and God is “perfect,” would they really not give everyone the same consideration in the end just because they didn't believe in them while alive? hmmm, doesn’t make much sense to me. I think I'll continue doing good in the world because I like to, not because I'm afraid of God's wrath in the end. I can’t imagine wasting all that precious time worrying about the afterlife, religion and going to church. Humanists have it made! When I die burn my butt up, and toss me in Ritchie Lake, or don’t, it really doesn’t matter to me, I’ll be dead. Dan
I think you have the message of Christianity wrong- doing good is because of gratitude to God, not to merit favor-
God doesn't have this scale of good/bad. Not one person could pass. That is what Jesus came to show us. That is why he offered himself in our place. So the gift of Himself is free no matter what good or bad we have done on earth.
You may have a couple of things off concerning everything I mentioned in my post, but I do worry. You do a lot of good but you DO need to realize not everything you do (or that I do) is good. The way you talk to your wife, for example. Or the way I act around my husband. You have no idea how her feelings can be hurt. We are always sinning (that is to say, doing dishonorable or wrong things).
You are correct, I am a hypocrite, but less-so than many of the millions of proliferating hypochristians that disgust me. I concede the fact that you and your “theories” better known as Christianity may be right. I could be wrong, but I simply don’t buy it in any way, shape or form. I don’t protest you believing in it, I just can’t understand why you cannot concede to me that you may be wrong also. How can you be so sure? If you can prove to me that you are correct, I will begin to shimmy and shake, throw up my hands and fall backward into your arms as a saved Christian (just like those lame suckers you see on those religious T.V. programs). Christianity is a blind theory based on a book with some facts (I grant you) and plenty of conjecture (can you grant me this?). It is married to politics and money (damn polygamists) and has run amuck for centuries causing more death and destruction in the world over the past 2000 years than anything else. Putrid to think it will continue.
If men called everything divine which they do not understand, why, there would be no end of divine things. -- Hippocrates
Man would indeed be in a poor way if he had to be restrained by fear of punishment and hope of reward after death -- Albert Einstein
OK, I usually stay out of any religious or political conversations because I believe that everybody has the right and ability to chose their own path. I have spent 32 years on this planet and have had plenty of time to form complete thoughts about what I believe about things. I think it is a very narrow-minded view to think that just because someone does not agree with your way of thinking that the person is young and/or immature. I agree with my husband on many views and it is not because he has guided me there in any way and I do not believe that I am either of those things. I have thought a lot about what and why I believe the things that I do. This country was formed with the idea that everyone is free to believe the things they want. So why should I be told that my way of thinking is misguided or wrong, just because it is not in agreement with you. Things would be a whole lot better in this country if people could get past the trivial things that so many people are concerned with these days and be more open-minded about things that are not actually hurting anyone. Why does it matter if 2 people love each other and they just happen to be the same sex? They should get to have the same opportunities at a good life and as much happiness as I have in mine (Remember, Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of happiness???). Their marriage does not hurt me in anyway so why should I care???!!! There is one phrase that comes to mind- Separation of church and state!!!
"The legitimate powers of government extend to such acts only as are injurious to others.
But it does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are twenty gods, or no God. It
neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg.”-- Thomas Jefferson
Wife of a young and immature hypocrite.
Wow, I have a big discussion started. I think that my "young and immature" has been misinterpreted. I was actually thinking of children... which as Christians we must ALL become as...we trust in God as a child would have trust...
To the last poster: I wasn't even broaching the subject of same-sex marriage or any of the sort. And as far as "trivial matters" are concerned, to a Christian, these matters are ANYTHING but trivial- in fact, it is the MOST important thing.
Dan, as far as "hypochristians"- you are 100% correct. I am in total agreement with you. Many things have been done in the name of Christ which Christ himself would NOT endorse. Yes, there are plenty of Christians married to money or politics, but Christ Himself is NOT, and specifically stated as such. In the end it is between you and Christ. You have to weed out all that. HOWEVER, if you DO think about it, MUCH has been done by Christans which is good, in fact, more good than not. It just doesn't make the headlines but they are quietly working behind the scenes- charities, labors of love, in every country of the world. In the mold of Mother Teresa but not as known. Mother Teresa was out doing the work of God.
To the last poster: No one has to agree with me or anyone else. In fact it has NOTHING to do with agreeing with me!
So you are saying that no one has to agree with you. Why is it that you are so relentless at trying to get your brother to believe in God (Your belief) and that he if he doesn't then he is misguided (the earlier comment about walking off a cliff and you cannot make him listen???). I don't feel like I am walking aimlessly around waiting for a God or higher being to guide my way. I make me own decisions about how I want to live my life. I choose the path I want to take and am not waiting to see a "bridge" or road or anything else. I am in charge of my own destiny and if I make the wrong decision then I need to correct it. Prayer will not fix things for me. That is great if you think that you are being guided by a higher power, but we both end up the same way: Following a path and having choices that may result in good or bad things. You believe some one else is leading you, I believe I have the control and do things my way. I am the only one to blame if the path I choose is leads to something. Not that I didn't pray enough or that I did wrong in the eyes of a higher being.
Your beliefs are yours and yours only. You need to be more excepting of those around you and the beliefs that they hold. You live in a place where it is ok to have your own opinion, but that works for those around you too. There will always be a difference of opinion on this matter and all sides are right.
I do the best I can for myself and others because I have conscience, not because there is a perception of being or doing good for others or for God.
Not trying to be "relentless" but if someone asks me to explain, then I will, and he has asked me to explain.
T., I am in 100% agreement that we all make decisions and we are all responsible for those decisions. That is what God calls free will, which He gave to all of us. We actually agree more than we disagree on that point.
Many Christians ask God to assist them in making decisions, including those in which they have the free will to make. For example, if I have a decision to take job A or job B and both look good to me, I may ask people who have done those jobs for more clarity. Since they know more, their knowledge will help me to make a decision. Similarly, if God has infinite knowledge, His input will help me make decisions because of the clarity he has where I do not have clarity. Hope I understood myself.
By the way I don't have "intolerance" for people who don't believe as I do. That's a cultural thing- that anyone who believes in anything firmly enough is somehow close-minded to others. I may not believe as they do, but I accept all people though I may not accept that some particular thing they believe is true. If someone believes there is no God, I can accept the PERSON. However, their belief there is no God, I will naturally believe is wrong. Do I make any judgment about this person? No, that's not for me to do. I'm not afraid to disagree with people but I don't dislike them, and it sure wouldn't matter if I did.
LOLOL I said "hope I understood myself". LOLOL!!!!!
Though I meant "Hope I made myself clear" or "hope I explained myself" that sounds pretty darn funny!
Sorry, I woke up today thinking it was Friday and wore my jeans to work!!!!! It's been an off day! LOLOL
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