Saturday, June 03, 2006

Micah is going on to the 8th grade!!!! Principal had all but assured us but we wouldn't be sure until the very end.
Micah has a crush on a lot of girls but right now the main one he likes is Allie. Allie was rescued from the clutches of an evil government- China's- probably from an orphanage- many of which in China are wretched places. Such an evil government that imposes such things on a sixth of the world. Girls are regularly aborted, discarded, abandoned, killed. Some boys, too, but mainly girls. You're allowed one child and if that one's a girl, well, you know what happens.
It is individuals here (like the Taylors ) who adopt, not our own government, who rescue them and orphans from other countries and our own. People in our church have adopted from Korea and Guatemala, too. Boy do we have to watch who adopts, though. I saw an expose where a single man went to Russia, adopted a little girl, and then made porn of her until she was rescued from him at about age 11 or so when she told someone about this.
Hell is hot, but surely it must be much hotter for those who do that to children.

Nathanael took the SAT again today. The first time he had taken it, he didn't have time to finish the essay. But he scored a perfect 800 on the reading section. Math was good too but he wanted to improve on it. He thinks he did better today. Kudos to him. Grades were great too- exempt from most of his exams. Don't have the report card yet but...I know it's going to be nice. Now, let's get him a job and finally his license. He has no real ambition to drive. Likes to bike everywhere. That's fine, but he has to at least know how to drive. Which he does, but doesn't have enough practice and isn't confident- needs more practice.


At 3:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to hear all the good news! Hope it stays good for you for awhile! Thanks for sharing.

Aunt E.


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