Monday, May 15, 2006 lost Micah's note more in the story of the lost things. They better find those- Mom is pissed- she's going up there tomorrow. I had said "one more more year...." but if he has the same teachers next year as this year, it ain't gonna happen. It will NOT happen. Every week they lose something else. Something he has worked hard on. Like those cards, which he is NOT gonna do again. We can do the report on the Mayans without those stupid dang cards. Heck we have 40,000 Mayans right here in Cincinnati-who needs stupid note cards. All we have to do is go to Lower Price Hill to hear Mam and eat Guatemalan food. But the school doesn't care about living history anyway, just a bunch of fracking note cards and infantile projects.
Oh and the weather, let me tell you, it's been downright droopy, drippy, clammy, crummy. Without even actually being all that rainy. Just wet and sloppy and all round no good.
And it's Monday.
Hey that's not a bad thing. I actually like Mondays.


At 6:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, I have to say this. First time shame on them, second time shame on you. Why the Heck aren't you making copies of Micah's homework before you turn it in? Copy machines have been around a long time now.


At 10:06 AM, Blogger Ann said...

Fortunately the cards have been recovered and I am copying them.


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