So much I want to write but sometimes trying to sit and do that is too much for my lazy brain. I'm full-scale into this project at DRC for April- have qualified to grade junior essays from the great state of Arkansas. What were they thinking when they created their rubrics?! Anyway, I finally got through the training in 5 areas- content, style, formation, usage, and mechanics, style and usage being my most difficult areas. For the third qualifying packet I finally knocked out those two areas, and now I am onto live tests. Basically what I was trained to do is grade the essays according to the Arkansas School Board standards.
DRC is contracted by many states to grade state proficiency tests of all different grade levels. There are multiple projects going on, some more difficult than others. This, I am told, is one of the more unwieldy projects, and one of the most difficult to grasp. But I've finally gotten into the groove after practice-grading 120 essays.
It was really nice today when one of my paper-grading colleagues, with whom I hadn't really spoken yet, when we thought we were going to be pair-grading, said, "I haven't had the chance to say this but I want to tell you I think you are SO pretty." I almost looked behind me to make sure she wasn't talking to someone else! "Me?" She said, "Yes, you are so pretty. I just think you have the prettiest shaped nose and such beautiful hair!" I was so flattered! I mean, she had NOTHING to gain by saying anything so nice to me- she wasn't a man (or gay, or anyone who might say those things because of other motives, flirting, lol)- so there was nothing compelling her to say that to me other than she really thought that about me- so I was so sincerely flattered- and she is really beautiful herself. What a nice thing to say! That just made my day even AFTER coming home to a letter from the Bureau of Motor Vehicles saying I have moving tickets, 1 from eight years ago, that I failed to pay, and I better pay up or they will restrict my license update privileges- someone was going through old moving ticket files and to be honest I didn't know there was anything on me! I'm now getting a vague recollection... :(...... you mean if I don't pay a ticket for 8 years it just doesn't go away? Well, time to pay the piper... I guess even pretty people have to pay their driving tickets. What?!!! Not moi! Only the "little people" pay traffic tickets! (huffing away a la Miss Piggy/ Leona Helmsley).
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