Saturday, April 07, 2007

Spent a while in Oxford. Dad had an emergency operation last night. Diverticulitis. He is still very sick and to be honest this whole thing almost cost him his life. They don't know yet if the C word is involved but the biopsy results should be back Tuesday. Now he is going to be there a while so send him a card. He is in and out of consciousness and on lots of painkillers. After he's home it's a high-fiber, low-sugar diet for the rest of his life. The spike in his blood sugar didn't help things and aggravated it all. Oh, he doesn't admit he has the D word but he does and has. He's been careful but slipping now and then and now there will be no more slipups!


At 8:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ann - Virgie is trying to reach you and her computer is down. She asked me to contact you and tell you to answer your phone or call her. Mom


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