My baby is grown! 18 years old.
He got a bike for his birthday and money from the g-parents on both sides. On Sunday we went to the symphony. The 3 composers we listened to wrote their pieces in various Jerry Springer phases of life: one (Berlioz) while stalking an actress (she was lucky he only married her-for a while; he planned to shoot the next victim and himself when she jilted him), one (Bartok)while on his deathbed and for his wife who never played it, one (Smetana) while going deaf and insane with syphillis. That sucks. Oh, and they died penniless. Musicians. A bum rap. They can't all be Paul McCartney and enjoy it while alive, can they.
Bartok died before he finished the last 17 measures so someone had to finish it for him. Well it's all good because I think Piotr Anderszewski probably played it better than his wife could have.
Quite an amazing conductor and orchestra, the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra.
Now for Micah's recipe for an enjoyable day:
OK I've been warned by my brother Dan not to post this "recipe" for pop bottle bombs any longer, so I'm editing the post.
You can find the recipe on the internet. But as I say, Micah isn't doing this any longer...
I have always heard these silly things go off and normally if it's done outside and FAR from people it just makes a big noise. I am not advocating it in ANY WAY.
None of it was ever done in a building or mailbox...just in remote locations...Hm, I do believe it is something Steve may have done as a kid....? I will ask- now his job is environmental responsibility...and safety...LOL.
My brother thinks I'm in De Nile...but now that it looks like Nathanael will attend MU you can be reassured of his hockey future (a sport in which Nathanael has -100% interest).
aaack! That doesn't sound so environmentally friendly.
I can't fathom my kids that old yet. yikes
Yeah guess who gets to clean up after my eco-terrorist.
Bits of plastic on the lawn. When I make HIM do it, he misses a lot of pieces.
To all retailers: Be Earth Friendly! JUST SAY NO to teenage boys buying Tidy Bowl. Teenage boys do NOT clean toilets.
holy crap! Whoh! you better get handle on this! Kids are being arrested for this exact "bomb" all over the country. they love poping mailboxes and school lockers with these devices. they also do it with dry ice and 2 liter bottles.
Given Micah's track record you hand better put a stop to this or you are likely to find him in Juvy, or worse reeeeealy soon.
This is serious $h!t call your p.d. and ask them.
lastly, wake-up!!! this is partially why he gets in trouble. you have failed to see the bigger picture of this behavior. and you are apparently oblivious to the media coverage these "Bombs" as they call them have attracted over the past couple years.
see these links:
Just google "pop bottle bomb" and let your horror begin
Upon further research... pop bottle bombs are a FELONY in many cases with prison time up to 25 years, and minors are charged as adults in many cases.
I can't imagine what they would do to parents of these kids, especially parents that know what the kids are up to.
EVERY teenage kid knows about these bombs and the ALL know they are ILLEAGAL!!! That's the allure.
I would suggest taking down your recipe for jail time and hope to hell Micah isn't taken away from you by CPS!!!
This one really shows that you are on the edge. Seek help!
I don’t mean to be mean, I just don’t know how else to get it through to you that you need to open your eyes. I'm only saying this because I am truly concerned for the welfare of your family. All of Micah’s past behavior and this type of behavior adds up to serious underlying issues and a real train wreck in the future. Get out of denial, it’s not just a river in Africa!
Thank you for your concern. It's been stopped.
So do you think all stores should stop selling aluminum foil and toilet bowl cleaner, then- or any other thing (fertilizer, etc.) kids used to make these? Hardly possible-
I didn't know about so much jail time, etc. I will take it under advisement. I don't think I'm "over the edge" but you're right, I didn't know it was that serious, and I and Steve have put a stop to it.
Micah's track record???? Don't you think you're exaggerating just a little? He's had his moments but so far it's been HIM being the target of crime this year.
In case you think I'm a TOTAL idiot, I have read up on these now, and these seem to be a pretty common thing some kids do...he's always been fascinated with fireworks, bottle rockets, etc. but even with these "bottle bombs" all that happened was he would blow up sticks, etc. a LONG distance from where he was. I don't think it's a GREAT thing to do and I'm a mom who worries (and worried) about fingers getting blown off and eyes going blind.
He never set these under stoops or mailboxes or doghouses or whatever, stuff that got those other kids in trouble with the law.
No excuse but over the years I have seen a lot of boys his age blow up harmless things. My biggest worry was bothering the neighbors, which, thankfully, he didn't do.
For the record I said you are "on the edge," not "over the edge" as you stated. There’s a big difference, but little distance between the two.
Obviously stores aren’t going to quit selling these materials. The problem is the parents that don’t know what their kids are up to. Or when the do know, they are clueless.
There’s no doubt in my mind that these shenanigans did bother some neighbors, it’s just that in your neighborhood, the people you bother don’t want the cops around for their own reasons.
As for the “track record,” that’s exactly what it is. Just from the stuff I know of there’s reason for concern. You missed my point that ALL kids know bottle bombs ARE ILLEAGAL, Micah’s no exception. Micah has a propensity for lying, he doesn’t get away with it around me, but I’ve watched him deceive you with ease on numerous occasions. I’m scared that you are another parent that turns a blind eye because you may not want to know the truth about what’s really going on sometimes. Either that or your ignorance in some cases exceeds your ability to govern your kids properly.
Remember, I once was just like Micah and he IS often just doing the mischievous things teenage boys do. The problem in his case is that he has a record of getting caught-up in situations that escalate to violence. This is coupled with an inability to graciously admit defeat and fess-up when he’s gotten caught. To often he’s gotten away with something and told a paper-thin lie to do so, which has created the pattern behavior that I’ve seen.
Based on your last couple responses, I will continue to offer you a life raft so you can be rescued from the raging waters of the Nile.
I KNEW about the bombs.
The neighbor whom I asked if she were bothered said, "Oh no, boys will be boys." She is a little old woman about 80 years old. So paleeeeze, she is no one the cops are after.
However, Micah is NOT doing the bombs anymore. Since he was NOT blowing up anything except sticks, I didn't see him as such a hardened criminal in doing this. I put it on the line with bottle rockets, fireworks, etc. Now that I know (thanks to you) these are a little more powerful, I put a stop to it. FYI all of the fireworks, etc. are ILLEGAL (not ILLEAGAL, learn to spell...:) in our state. HOWEVER, Steve himself often supervises kids in same. I don't think it's right but during July 4 the entire street is strewn with things smuggled over from the great state of Indiana.
I am taking your words under advisement but you're the one who thinks he's a hardened, lying criminal because he took 5 pretzels from your chex mix. I'm a little concerned about your soup nazi tendencies.
Don't get me started. That particular incident is a premier example of the problem. It wasn't a matter of taking only pretzels, it was a matter of hygiene and respect. You were again oblivious to the facts and ignorant of the situation… The fact is that he hadn’t washed his hands in about 7 weeks. He had been sitting on the bench picking stuff out of his toenails. He was complaining about being sick and coughing. So I told him not to take just pretzels FIVE (5) times. He ignored me and trolled his grubby fingers through the chex-mix anyway. I don’t like eating toe-jam chex-mix. It was the same behavior as fingering over cookies on a cookie tray. Where were you when manners were handed out? You defended him without knowing any of these facts and deemed me the chex-mix nazi. As usual you jump to conclusions without knowing what is going on. Shame on you. Go hug George Bush, and Rush Limbaugh at least you’ll be with your own kind.
I would take an ounce of my common sense over a pound of your spelling ability any day.
As I recall there was NEVER a mention by you at the time of his hands being dirty. He knows he should wash his hands, but no one said, "Stop eating with dirty hands" or "pleas wash your hands before you touch the food" which leads me to believe maybe he did not have dirty hands. All you said was "Stop eating pretzels without eating other pieces." Sorry but that is definitely being a soup nazi and sorry, we knew things were pretty rough at the time for Tracy so we didn't blow up at her, but instead of getting angry with you I just laughed at you and so did everyone else because it was so stupid. I will take care of Micah but I'm NOT going to punish him over something stupid like that.
I don't understand why you can be SO RUDE to people, seriously, you don't even know Toy and you just come off as being rude and obnoxious. Not having to work with other grownups all day has really hampered your social skills.
I am not going to say one more word about the chex mix. If anyone eats them with grubby hands I will agree with you but I am saying nothing more about selectively eating pretzels. It is just so ridiculous.
There are some other things I am NOT going to say to you because obnoxious as you are, I'm still not going to hurt my baby brother's feelings.
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