Friday, March 23, 2007

Nathanael's been offered a pretty good scholarship opportunity at Miami in the Honors Program. It cuts the 37+K/yr. bill by about 2/3. Miami will be doable. We will have to compare that to the other 3 univerisities' offers, assuming his acceptance into those.

I really am liking Miami a lot since it is so noticeably different than when I was there, and a really good mix, notwithstanding the lack of minorities (that really didn't matter in our estimation since almost everyone we have lived among for the past 20 years is part of a "minority"). We are not a white-bread area, LOL. Anyway, most of the students in those other 3 places aren't "minorities". I put those in quotations because I am so beyond that. I am officially a minority too just by being a woman, though 52% of the people in the world are women. By global standards, my ethnicity is pretty much a minority, too. The standard "average" person in this world, if we were to take an "average" person, would be about a 20-year-old Asian woman. LOL

Sorry abuot digressing. University selection is coming along. Another thing about Miami is, no matter how isolated it seems, the other 3 seem even more isolated, and for 4 years really it seems they are so very would almost be a shock at the end of those 4 years to see more than 100 people at once, let alone 100 people of whom some are NOT birkenstock-wearing, clove-smoking hippies (JUST KIDDING!).


At 7:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think getting away from home is best if it is doable. This way you are forced into new habits, new people and this leads to more growth. The kids who hang around their old friends and old haunts are missing out on alot.

My 2 cents


At 11:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where do you get your information that most of the students at the other three schools are minorities?
How do you define minorities? Neither the school in MN nor the school in IA is considered ethnically diverse, with each having fewer than 20% of its students declaring themselves a minority.

And isolated? Perhaps geographically isolated, but probably more connected to the issues of the real world than you give them credit for.

There is nothing wrong with Miami. But the other 3 schools would offer him huge opportunities for growth and development. Don't sell them short.

Aunt E.

At 5:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry, I wasn't clear. I know the other 3 don't have a lot of "minority" people, either, at least that I know of. But why would it even matter... not an issue.

I think any of the other 3 would be great- we will see what they offer. It is going to come down to that. If it's just a little more expensive, then so be it. That will be OK. But if it's ridiculous, well I don't know.

I haven't pushed Miami at all. I am leaving the door open.

If he goes to Miami, he will be in the Honors program. He will live in a different dorm from the regular folks (like me).

I don't know how many of his friends are going to MU- a few are, I guess, but none that I know of have decided on MU yet.

If there is a huge difference in cost between in-state and out-of-state, then Kenyon is definitely a good choice, too.

I am just going to have to see what they offer but even though MU is familiar in the sense that it's in Oxford, it is still an excellent deal and it's a good school.

At 7:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As far as I know, the only school he's interested in that has a hockey program is Miami... Well, I guess it's a no-brainer then. Oh, maybe he doesn't care about hockey. Well then if that's the case, let him go to one of those long haired hippy-type pinko fag schools... I betchya they've even got commie flags tacked up on the walls inside of their dorms.

At 7:41 PM, Blogger Ann said...

Oh, we'll DEFINITELY take your recommendations into consideration, then. And you wonder how I know it's you.

Hugs from Smiley the Bear

At 7:48 PM, Blogger Ann said...

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At 7:49 PM, Blogger Ann said...

corrected my post. I meant to say earlier that the other 3 schools do NOT have a lot of "minorities". I left out the 'nt and I put it in. So Ellen is not going crazy. I am.

I don't think un-minorities are any more or less valuable human beings than minorities. Gaaaa....only a bunch of jewelweed smacking, hemp-wearing, mantra-chanting, patchouli-lathering hippie professors would obsess over euphemisms of words like "minority", "diversity", and "ciilization". LOL JUST TEASING AGAIN!!! :)


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