Wednesday, March 28, 2007

If you have not read the previous entry yet, please do so before reading this one.

Now if Nathanael goes to Miami, which it is looking like he will probably do, I have heard comments from a couple of people that it would be too familiar. No. Let me remind you that Nathanael is NOT from Oxford. He is from Cincinnati. Staying "home" would be, for him, going to UC or Xavier or UK or CTI. Several of his friends are going to those. Does he regret not applying to more schools? Yes. I think Case Western might have been good. But MU is as good as Case Western.

Just because Nathanael has relatives in Oxford does not mean it won't be new and fun and different, but also a little familiar because 2 of his cousins are there (Travis and Katie). Grinnell would be also a "little familiar" because 2 of his aunts went there. It is as if I had gone to Drake or University of Iowa. That's where MY parents went. It would still have been new and different for me. That's how I feel about Nathanael and Miami. It is old and familiar to me and Steve and my parents because we have spent so much time there. But Nathanael, let me remind you, has NOT. It IS new to him. So much has changed, too, since I went there. Were I 18 again, it would all be different for me, too.


At 8:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with you. After all, Tracy's egg-head brother went away to Clemson and he's still socially inept.

At 5:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nathanael will do fine wherever he goes. Not to worry, anyone. You can't keep a good man down. So whatever happens is OK. I would look forward to having him here in Oxford, and I wouldn't do his laundry for him either. Ha. Although he could come over and use my machines if he wanted to. Mom

At 8:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok here comes my confustion. You say Miami I think Florida. But then you say to similar but he isn't from Oxford. Is this Miami not Florida?? Is it a local college or something??

At 8:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rats, I type to fast that would be

Confusion - skip the T, move along.

At 9:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is Miami a local college or something?! get your head out of the sand! Miami University, Oxford, Ohio. (also known as Harvard of the west, but that's an insult because our campus is nicer) Founded in 1809... yeah, that's right, Florida still belonged to Spain!!! It's also where Tom's uncle Verne Taught for thirty-some years. check it out at


At 9:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


(Toy, if you haven't noticed by his other posts, Tom's cousin Dan is a bit, well, he just is what he is.)


At 11:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ann's right. There, I admit it for once. I was a little abrasive. I wrote it after slamming Ann from a previous post about bottle bombs. Maybe I'll go stick my head in the sand for a while. I hope I didn't offend you, and I apologize if I did.

At 1:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said... answer your question, Toy, the Miami Indians lived in Florida and resettled in Ohio sometime before Europeans arrived.

At 1:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dan is apologizing....which is pretty AMAZING....a rare occurrence...look, out the window, pigs are flying!


At 8:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dan, you don't need to be such a butt. Funny, when you came to visit us in Colorado you seemed so nice. In Colorado, Miami (in Ohio) isn't on the map, okay. Geez. And no, I have not followed Verne's teaching career. Sorry Verne, just haven't. Still, apology accepted.

So, Ann, thanks for filling in the gap. I had Nathaneal heading to Disney World there for a bit.

At 8:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wish I were heading to Florida. I would skip Disneyworld except for Epcot. I haven't been to Disneyworld in about 30 years and last time we headed that way, the kids didn't want to go! They don't care for anything Disney, though he was a genius animatographer (Is that a word?). And I was fine with that, since it's quite expensive.

At 8:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was me (Ann) signing as anonymous since it's easier.

At 7:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry Toy, I was on a rant in an earlier post and my vigor spilled through. Oh, and the saying about Florida belonging to Spain is a popular t-shirt around here, so don’t think I was clever enough to make that up just for you. I didn’t do that well in history. lol

I must apologize for being so angry in my posts, it's just that trying to have a conversation with Ann is incredibly frustrating sometimes because she doesn't follow the conversation. She often changes the subject and rarely answers any questions posed in prior posts. We think so differently it is a waste of time for us to argue. We are on opposite ends of the pole for almost everything, especially politics and religion.

At 3:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have always answered your questions, Dan. YOU are the one who goes off the handle. You actually don't know too many of my political views but you only hear what you want to hear, so it's useless to even elucidate. Sometimes I put them up here but it doesn't matter. You think what you think and at this point we're old enough, I know that no matter what I REALLY think or believe, you already have your ideas about what I believe, so it doesn't make a difference what I say or do.

At 10:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK you two siblings. If you don't stop battering each other I'll come get you and make you tell one nice thing about the other one. No matter how long it takes. There's room for both of your ideas in the world, why not support each other? Love you both, and the other two too. Mom


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