Wednesday, July 05, 2006

i'm going to ramble again.

Kim Jong Il MUST be stopped. He has been running a holocaust for over 10 years. He has starved hundreds of thousands of people to death- men, women, children. There are several hundred thousand political prisoners in gulags that rival anything devised by Hitler. And everyone says we were right to intervene in Germany. OK we need to stop THIS guy. We needed to think about it because of those people in the gulags. But no...people are thinking of it now only because California could conceivably get nuked off the map. Look, we need to stop suffering everywhere, not just OUR suffering.

For those who were not in favor of the Iraq war or who wouldn't be in favor of interfering in North Korea, I say:
No one wants war. And "live and let live" is a pretty good policy as far as respecting other countries' internal issues. However, "live and let kill" is NOT correct. That is why we stopped Saddam. It's why we stopped Hitler. The Viet Cong had to be stopped. I'm sorry the Iraq war has gotten messy. I don't necessarily have an answer. But letting Hussein do what he was doing to innocent people was NOT the answer. Letting Kim Jong Il do what he's doing is unconscionable as well. YES, I say we SHOULD interfere in places in Africa where roving gangs attack the innocent.

Can we police the world? Maybe not. But I'm not just soliciting the US, but the rest of the world. The rest of the world let Hitler do what he did for as long as he did. The rest of the world allows other holocausts and genocides to continue to this day. Saddam wanted to kill all of the Kurds and he damn near succeeded.

When you intervene to protect innocent people, that is correct. No, it isn't right to fight over oil. Part of it is about oil. I know. That's why the US is NOT intervening in countries that have no material that could profit us. That's wrong. But yes, part of it was and is about getting Hussein out and at least trying to put in a government that won't be equally as bad. I know, it's Babylon. Literally. When have they ever had a fair government?

Did the US north REALLY fight to free slaves? Or was it only for tobacco and cotton? Well, it was both. Did the US really want to free the Jews and the parts of China oppressed and raped by Japan? Well, yes and no. There is a big economic component to any war. An economic component that sometimes doesn't turn out to be as big a deal as people thought. I doubt Bush is sitting there wringing his hands over getting more oil. He has plenty. I really think he's not a bad guy but acts so hapless it raises the ire of a lot of people.

My ranting and observations for today.

Live and let live may be okay, but live and let kill is NOT.


At 10:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just a historical point. The Civil War was not fought over slavery. It was one issue but not THE issue. Lincoln didn't issue the Emancipation Proclimation until 2 years into the war to persuade European and British allies to join in.

The major issue was the secesion of the southern states from the Union, and that tiff was over states rights to govern themselves.

About the US stepping in and stopping the bad guys of the world, my opinion will shock you. Its not our job and we shouldn't do it all by our lonesome. The way the cowboy in the White House handled the Iraq thing was wrong. He lied and alienated our allies to follow his personal little ego trip. Hussain was evil but the way he did it was wrong. N. Korea needs to be addressed by the world, not by us alone. Not to mention I am sick to death of the world holding its hand out for money while sticking thier knives in us at the same time.

We have tons of work to do here at home and our money and young men and women would be better utilized here. Which brings up another point, with all the personell in Iraq how do you propose to staff a military action in N. Korea? If that is what you are talking about. Recruitment is down already, I doubt there will be a rush to enlist for that.

Politics and religion - bad subjects. :-)

At 5:41 AM, Blogger Ann said...

I'm actually agreeing more than disagreeing- I do believe it can't be us, it has to be the world. We are understaffed to police the world.

North didn't want the south to secede in the civil war because the south brought economic prosperity. If the south hadn't had anything to bring to the table, maybe the north wouldn't have cared.

"Not to mention I am sick to death of the world holding its hand out for money while sticking thier knives in us at the same time."
-I think this is so true.

At 7:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe we would be in a better position if we had worried about N. Korea a little more than oil in Iraq. I agree Saddam had to go, but N. Korea was and still is way more problematic. This is the pinnacle example of the incompetence of the Bush Administration!


At 9:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am not sure how much of the economics the south provided to the Union. The industrialization of the North is what gave it the longevity to outlast the south. Lincoln had the forethought to see that if the US divided we would fail as a nation.

Funny that that is so prevalant today. There was a 20/20 on last week that talked about the polarization that is occuring in the US today and how very dangerous it is to our country.


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