Friday, June 23, 2006

Micah came back from camp with more than his usual angst. The others there said that after the initial disappointment about the fireworks he had a good time. Shhhh- Micah doesn't want you to know that. He came back moaning and groaning about what a horrible thing it was. But he made some new friends, including three cute girls. "One of them can whistle through her nose," he hastens to add. Booyah! Now there's a keeper!

Nathanael has a job interview at Subway at 10:00 on Monday- prayers appreciated! That boy neeeeeeds a job! :) I gave him the usual tips- have confidence, neatness, punctuality, and a fresh shave.

Steve and Nathanael made a cornhole set. They're going to the Bonnell family reunion tomorrow. Micah and I are staying home. Micah has a cold and needs sleep. Neither he nor I want to go, though cornhole is too fun.


At 9:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Subway? You mean he isn't summer inter-ing it? Food service sucks, I did retail and hardware, no plates to scrape.

At 11:00 PM, Blogger Ann said...

He doesn't care for other places but likes Subway.

I did food service was OK...tolerable for a short time. He applied at the hardware store-so far no callbacks.


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