The following is pretty good reading.
Also discussed was other predictions, like Jeanne Dixon & astrology etc., saying that even other sources that are NOT from God could come to maybe 60% accuracy. And even that is stretching pretty far, considering that my "prediction" (Capricorn) has never even been close to 60%. Nor has the Chinese calendar (I'm a Dragon). I'm a goat and a dragon, lol. You pick. I respect PEOPLE who believe in astrology, but I don't respect astrology and the like.
Anyway, off that subject, please read forward to all the really awesome things that DID come true as forecast by God.
There are others, such as the prediction of Daniel of the four empires (including Alex the Great) that would take place (and each of the four did take place in history- go back to any history book of southern Europe/middle east). Will try to find all of that later.
I'm not good at apologetics. I know what I believe and why, but debating and explaining are not my strong points. So please bear with me. Forgive me if I bring it people who are better at it than I am. The art of debating and apologetics exhausts me though there are many Christians who thrive on it.
WOW! I'm surprised I missed this post until now.... (it’s way later). The reason many people use the excuse that they aren't good at debating or explaining something is because they don't have enough first hand knowledge of the topic. As I have said before, show me proof. And all you have brought is regurgitated babblings of the bible. The truth about history is that depending on how you spin it you can make lots of things sound like they were predictions. But if you really study it well, I bet you’ll find that the reality of history is quite a departure from what has been reported. I suspect that much of reported history has been skewed in a way to support preconceived conclusions in order to generate beliefs in the interest of power.
Ann, I respect you and your beliefs they same as you respect people who believe in astrology. However I respect you and the astrologists the same, that is, I don't buy it. I mean, "where's the beef?" Lots of things sound great on paper. I would LOVE to believe in an afterlife, but it's illogical, Captain (Spock interpretation)
The bottom line is you believe in hokus pokus and I don't. I am a skeptic, that means that I investigate claims to the satisfaction of proof. In proof, Christianity falls short, that it is why it is pointless in debating it any further because Christians only have one objective: proving what they have been taught to believe, with reckless abandon. Enter GWB.
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