Tuesday, March 08, 2005

I'm a proud "grandma" again- sextuplets! First time ever. Yes, everyone, Fiona skipped out on her spay appointment 2 months ago and by the time the second appointment came it was too late. We actually had her IN THE OFFICE for about 2 hours and they couldn't do her that day...the next day when I was supposed to bring her back, she was NOWHERE to be found. Then we found a few tomcats lurking around the house...presto chango we have sextuplets. 3 rust/white boys, 2 white boys, 1 white girl. Steve was sick today and when I came home about 6:30 I said, have you seen my cat? (She had been trying to have her kittens last night and was ready to bust). He said, no. Haven't seen her all day. I said, um, let me look under the beds...sure enough under my bed there she was. I guessed right- she was HUGER than before...I mean to be brutally honest she was so big she couldn't, um, how do I put this delicately, LICK HER FURRY BUTT so I had been bathing her. Now finally she had a change to clean things all up. The kittens had been born for some time when I found them. They were all alive and well. Cute colors, too. Never seen those colors before from her. Of course most of her kittens look just like her. White seems to dominate in cats. Micah's already claimed one of the rust ones that has some stripes around his ears and has named him Halo. (Told Micah he could have ONE CAT. Grand total of three. The others will go, as always, to good homes, and be a blessing to someone.)

Helped a lot of people today. Only had one on my list which turned into about 5 people. The last woman I helped got a thorn in her thigh when crossing the Sonoran desert to get into the US...8 months ago! It's now buried and causing a lot of pain. You can barely see it. It's desperate when you and your husband leave your 2 kids with your mother in order to come here and work as a cleaner or laborer or fruit packer or meat packer or ironer or cook. But that money goes to pay school, etc., in Mexico. YEAH I KNOW she's illegal (like half the people I see), NO LECTURES PLEASE. She's no less deserving of help just because some snot-nosed official didn't stamp a visa for her and did for someone else. You're seeing one of my few "liberal" sides. There's a HUGE difference between a shy little lady from Chiapas (that was a loooong trip from Chiapas to Sonora, too, let alone the trip from Sonora to wind up here)...and a Chechnyan or Al Qaeda trying to sneak across and frickin blow up the Pentagon. Anyone who can't tell the difference is just plain pig stupid.


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