Friday, March 04, 2005

By "shot" in my last entry I meant with a needle, not a gun!!!

Other stuff:

Nathanael's band had a great concert last night. Tonight he's at a competition in Dayton. We'll see what rating they bring home. They got a standing ovation. The jazz band (he's not in that but his buddy Matt is) played outstandingly last night. I couldn't keep still. They rocked with "In the Mood"- excellent.

Steve got a nice bonus. He's also been my rock during the crap at work this past week. I am humbled when I realize what I have. Everyone's got their good and bad. I came home with my tail between my legs and I needed someone to lick my wounds. He rubbed my feet instead. :) It makes me almost forgive him for coming home this evening and watching 4 hours of sci-fi. In this one particular show there are robots that look like humans and they for some reason are trying to do away with the humans even though the robots have a "God" and the humans are polytheistic. One particularly annoying robot lives in one guy's head. Only he came see her. She follows him around in a slinky red dress licking his ear and seducing him. The only character I like is a woman named Laura who is president. She is the only multi-faceted character. Strong but not in the least bit masculine. She's suffering from breast cancer- a strange human ailment in this sci-fi thing in which other people get killed by robots or strange other ailments that we don't know of. Anyway the actress that plays her is doing a great job. The rest of the characters- they seem to be replicated in just about every show I've seen on this channel.

Micah's got his buddy Josh over. There are always several kids here who aren't mine. :) This kid says "My room's even messier than Micah's". Hard to believe. Micah's made another "fort" in his room with blankets, chairs, boxes, and other assorted moveables.


At 7:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bah! Laura irritates me. She is so full of herself and stuck on trying to prove that she is 'in control' and on a big presidental power trip. She needs to lighten up and realise she doesn't know everything and humble herself to tap into Adama's vast knowledge and experiance.

I like #6. She is so running the show with Giaus. I am still not sure her agenda. Boomer and Starbuck, also deeper characters than first presented.

I really enjoy the grittyness of it. A technologically advanced race that is still falibly human.


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