I'm at Pierre with Heidy, the new employee.
I SOOOOOO need another job! If I weren't mature enough to know that these type of people exist EVERYWHERE in EVERY JOB and I've never had a job without these types of people, then I'd be on the street today. But for financial and professional reasons, I still say...I REALLY need another *$&^ job!!! I'm tired of walking on eggshells with some people, trying to calm tempers, trying to calm people whose temper holds my future with a company, trying to assuage things and fix things, trying to fix other mistakes on top of my own mistakes (which are plenty). Just this morning I found 2 mistakes I made and I'm not even in the fricking office. 3, actually. One was a mistake I made yesterday based on someone else's wrong instructions (leaving a drop-off notarization in the wrong mailbox at Children's). One was an e-mail in which I pressed "save draft" instead of "send" (buttons right next to each other). Well I might get taken off assignments for things like this. Actually my last major assignment finishes up today. Then I'm interpreting for most of the rest of the week. I don't know what I'll do Thursday.
I pissed and moaned to Heidi today- so I said Please don't tell anyone I'm pissing and moaning about everything- I think she's cool and she won't. Back to interpreting in 5 minutes. We had a nice 2-hour lunch here. Too bad I spent it bellyaching.
The best time to look for a job is when you have a job.
You have two choices, and this pretty much is true for all avenues in life. Make changes or stay the same and shut up about it. I can't ever shut up so change is the answer, even if they are small. Seems to me that there are alot of signs in your life pointing towards making some changes.
Sorry, that was me.
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