Thursday, February 10, 2005

I'm Sorry to Ellen and Chuck, Mom and Dad.

I'm sorry I offended you on my other blog entry. I should take it off. I just wanted to let you know that. It really isn't funny. There are a lot of things I'm not good at (which my kids are because they are younger). I see it in myself. I didn't when I wrote that and I do now. Aging is not a crime. I guess sometimes we should laugh at myself. I need reading glasses now and my kids make fun of my eyesight.

I do NOT see myself as young, either.

I do want to point out that Len and Jean continue to call ALL of you "you kids".

Sorry. I've said some shitty things before and that was one of them. Maybe if I wanted to touch on the subject I should have been a bit more tactful.


At 11:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

No need to apologize. Aging comes with the territory, and not very many of us are good at it. Your Mom is better than most! Unfortunately, learning new things gets more difficult all the time. But when you quit learning, in my opinion, you quit living, so I still keep trying. Travel is one of the best learning opportunities we can have, which is why the four of us do so much of it.

Norway, here we come!

Love, Aunt E.

At 8:26 AM, Blogger Ann said...

Well rereading it, I did say that aging does NOT mean slowing down...or, it does not HAVE to mean that. George Burns kept on until past his 100's. Some people keep going and going and never slow down, and some do, so I want to know WHAT is their secret. I think my grandpa T. REALLY kept very alert until just a couple of years before he died. He had a memory like a steel trap and still kept up to date on what was happening this very moment. UNLIKE my Grandma T. who seemed sometimes to forget what year we were in. She would label pix from 1978 as 1988 or 1968, for example. The recent and long-past seemed to all run together for her. Is the difference mostly biological?

Moses led the Jews out of Egypt at age 80. He went into hiding (from God? went to Ethiopia, I think...though God knew where he was, I think he let Moses sit and stew awhile) from age 40 to age 80. After 40 years coming out of semi-retirement to do something huge is pretty awesome.

40 seems to have been a pivotal number for Moses. 40, 80, then wandered for 40 more years. Died at 120...?

At 9:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you, Ann, for that apology. We're all on the same page, I think, but some of us are still near the top and some of us are getting perilously close to the bottom. Anyway, I don't think Grandma Troxel's date mixing had anything to do with aging. She did that stuff when she was younger, too. Her photo albums had stuff in haphazard fashion. I think she just wasn't at all right brained (the brain side that governs organization. I think it's the right) To someone like me, who HAS to have albums in chronological order, and who always needs to know what direction I'm facing, etc. it seemed strange to me. But apart from her medicine, which sometimes put her in lala land, I think she kept her wits until the end. Which is more good gene history for you kids. And yes, you will always be a kid to me, even when you are ninety. And someday you'll appreciate the fact that there's someone old enough to think of you that way, because the older you get, the fewer people look at you as anything but an old fogey. I love it that Jeanne calls us kids. Love, Mom


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