Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Top 10 Confessions of a 39-year-old Wack Job

10. I don't want the secret to get out that sometimes I make mistakes in my work.
9. I do not like "Family Guy".
8. My favorite commercials are by a phone company. Each commercial has an ooold little old lady using slang and talking about getting 10 kinds of nasty. I nearly pee in my pants every time those old men gyrate.
7. I have stacks of laundry that need to be done.
6. My favorite scent is P&G's Gain.
5. I'm addicted to Gain, Diet Mountain Dew, and Ice Breakers gum.
4. My other favorite scent is Nutrisse Conditioner for Color-Treated hair (apricot).
3. I color my hair because I'm mostly gray. I don't even know what my real hair color is .
2. I like beets and broccoli.
1. I like the president. I'm sorry, I just can't help it. I don't even agree with him all the time. I really have searched the catacombs of my soul for answers but have yielded nothing but the fact that, sigh, alas, I am now resigned to the fact that indeed I really do genuinely like W.


At 12:32 PM, Blogger Chuck said...

Ha ha! You're gray.

At 6:59 AM, Blogger Ann said...

Thanx for the input, Zori. :)

I can't in good conscience vote for Kerry aka Flipper...I wouldn't know what I'd be voting for. He can't make up his mind. The Kerry camp's put a lot of negative spin on W. Yes, I know the Bush camp has responded in kind. But what has Kerry DONE in 19 years as a Senator excpet hijack the Heinz money? I can think of nothing. If you're from Mass. or anywhere for that matter I invite your comments.

My laundry is in a worse state of affairs than yours! I will tackle it today.


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