Thursday, August 12, 2004

Is ANYONE out there?

Please answer!

The sky is falling!

How do you KNOW the age of meteorites and earth when time itself is relative?


At 9:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The age of the earth and of comets, meteors, and meteorites are relative to the Big Bang, when the universe, as we have come to know it, began. Or, sometimes the age is measured relative to "today", but is often in such large terms that it is difficult for our human minds to comprehend. It's strange, isn't it, that people toss out numbers like $5 billion and think it's chicken feed relative to the wealth of our country, but can't begin to grasp 5 billion years!

Aunt E.

At 6:33 PM, Blogger Ann said...

Hi Ellen, I'm definitely going to go to Tucson again so I can see your new house.

I find it hard to figure that a meteorite, which may have been traveling at a pretty high speed, could have its time calculated as if it had been on earth- if someone were traveling on that meteor at millions of mph they'd come to earth a baby but in earth years be millions of years old? I know, it's an extreme example, but I think there are so many things "outside the box" that we just don't know, and we try too hard TO know... so many variables. I don't think those who write shiny college textbooks will concede all they don't know, and from how many perceptions we can view things.
I really think matter, energy, space, and perhaps even time, and forces like gravitons and magnetic pull, are all forms of the same material.
And there's a lot about human history, whole chapters, missing. More on that later.

At 11:16 AM, Blogger vir said...

Hey I am here even if the sky is falling - interesting comments :)


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