Sunday, August 22, 2004


Gilboa and Cedar Point were fun. Steve and Nathanael dove Gilboa and lots of people were enjoying the good weather and diving. After 1 night in a tent, Micah and I went up to Cedar Point Saturday. Micah had a blast. The 2 of us rode the finger rollercoaster (125 mph both up and down!), which is really called the Dragster. We rode another really scary one called Viper or Cobra or something to do with snakes. We rode the Corkscrew. In addition Micah rode quite a lot of other things. One called Demon Drop. OK I'm usually wary of things named after sinister beings but hey I've ridden the Beast about a jillion times. Most people at an amusement park like CP or Kings Island are skinny and about twelve. The very obese can't or won't ride the stuff. But I did see a coupla old folks, even older than I am, on the big rides. :) We rode lots of trams and sky rides, but really didn't have time to do everything. We left several big attractions sadly unridden....:( So I guess it means we'll have to hit it again soon. btw the food there is outrageously expensive. I don't know why so expensive since they already inflate the ticket prices, even after the rebates you can get from Holiday Inn or Meijer's. Sticking a $2.75 per 20-oz. bottled water vending machine at the head of a line is price gouging, isn't it???? Anyway if they just cheapened the food a little I think just MAYBE they'd make a little more profit, more people would stuff their fat faces on it. As it is a lot of folks hold back when they can. But I really suppose supply does meet demand for max profit at that price (sigh). But I sure didn't want to spend lots of $$ on the fat food there.
Micah slept like a log in a motel in Tiffin and then went back to Gilboa the next day. The 2 boys both did the zip line and then on the way home we stopped and made burgers, etc. for a nice sunny picnic at a rest stop (on the propane stove).

Well Dan just told me he doesn't read my blog anymore cause it's "churchy and Bush-y". Oh really? Well his vitriol against W has really poisoned his view on some other things. More on that another time. Uh have I really mentioned the prez very often? See, his perception is REALLY clouded. I'm something in his eyes and won't change. It's stamped and imprinted and even if I never say the word "Bush" again he'll still see me as some staunch right-wing stuffed-shirt conservative war-for-oil person, and I guess he has everyone called "conservative" pretty much pigeonholed and boxed. I will admit I'm conservative on some things but fairly liberal on others with regard to the 2 party platforms. And guess what, I'm neither Republican or Democrat. Huh? Oh hey Dan, Dad, who put words in my mouth, who will never know what I really think because guess what, YOU ALREADY KNOW! Right? Because you've got me tagged as something I'm SOOOO really NOT!


At 8:40 PM, Blogger vir said...

I dont like Bush and i read your posts! ;)


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