Last night was one more in the litany of evenings filled with screaming, rage, tears, imprisonment, and volcanic rumblings and eruptions. Yes, I'm talking about Micah and homework. It would help if his teachers could organize their way out of a paper bag. Consistency would help. And a little sanity. How about some well-written sentences and comprehensible instructions? Steve went ballistic and wrote Micah's English teacher a note about the assignment she gave- an unwieldy word definition matching exercise four pages long taken from "Roll of Thunder, Hear my Cry". At least one word, "undaunted", had no match. I told Micah to yes, mention the non-matching word. My feeling is the teacher has got the wrong definition for the word anyway. Well, I told Micah if he gave the teacher Steve's letter he'd probably just incur more wrath and, well, what good would it do? The assignment looks 25+ years old, typed on an ancient ribbon-eater. It's just one more in the shoddy-looking lineup of assignments I've seen over the years, some of which are replete with misspellings, grammatical mistakes, and even out-of-date or wrong facts altogether.
We are all prone to mistakes but I'm really getting tired of this so-called award-winning school district. It's really slipping and when I talked to Steve about changing schools for Micah in the past, it's all "we pay taxes, blah blah blah, for these schools, blah blah blah, I don't agree with the (pick your choice- Catholic, Baptist) dogma, blah blah blah". I think he's softening just a little now. The question is will we get any better quality education AND discipline in another school, public or private? Right now the quality of discipline in Finneytown is abysmal. I think I may be able to actually help Micah cope with anything if there is some kind of discipline that works in a school.
Ann - Your new format no longer gives the weblinks to Nathanael, Leah, and everyone else's blogs. Could you send me their blog addresses or something so I can continue to read them? Mom
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