Thanks and love to all for prayers and thoughts!!!!
I posted the following on Toy's reply page:
I'm the sickie in Arizona! wee how fun!!!! Went to the hospital yesterday with Ellen, very patient Ellen, and there were dozens of folks ahead of me, most of them in much worse shape than I was.
What's up?!!!! I thought people were sent to Arizona to get BETTER!
Well I am on Tamiflu now and things are looking up though I still can't take much of a breath. But the x-rays show no gunk in my lungs. Test show no strep. Influenza test positive.
Now when I was given a chance to get a FLU SHOT, a FREE FLU SHOT, I didn't do it....I was afraid of what maybe I only thought I had heard...side effects, etc. And the fact that if you're immunized against a couple of strains, there are a lot more strains that can get you. Well KICK ME!!!! It MIGHT have prevented this. I don't know for sure, but it probably would have.
They say give the flu 7-10 days.Since I have a good immnue system, I give it 5. Since this is my fourth day, then, I'm over the hump.
I think I will be well enough to go to a symphony tonight.
So everyone...get your flu shot!
Seems I have infected Chuck. Since he had his flu shot, a sore throat is all it will do to him.
Get your flu shot!!!Get your flu shot!!!
Get your flu shot!!!
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