Monday, March 10, 2008

Guess I could do a quick update.

Steve got a nice raise and bonus and more options today so that definitely helps with the college and maybe a couple of fun extra things for us, too.

Nathanael will be coming home next weekend for 2 weeks. He's been busy a LOT and trying to be more social-tends to isolate himself- but he has been enjoying the Iowa winter.

Speaking of winter, we got quite a helping of it a couple of days ago- huge storm- then right away it got warm and it's about all gone- supposed to be almost 60F in a couple of days. Wet, wet, wet. It sure was a pretty storm. It was on all the stations for, like, 4 hours, because, well, people are obsessed. "We're all gonna DIE!!!!! Ah!!!! The white death!!!!" Truth be told, the driving wasn't bad and the extra fuss was needless (as was with the previous 2 storms). Some of our radio "personalities" had lots of fun making fun of the newscasters who told us to stay inside as if bombs were dropping. One of those was Bill Cunningham. You know him as the guy who kept repeating Obama's middle name. Of course he had the right to do that. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But he did it derisively and he knows it. He's trying to say Obama has terrorist ties because his middle name is Hussein. Which is ridiculous. Hussein is a fairly common name, it means "good/handsome", what of it? That doesn't make him Saddam Hussein. What if my name were Hitler... should they retire the name Hussein because of one bad apple (and his sons)? But Cunningham, he's been around Cincy at LONG time. He's amusing and that is his THING- causing controversy, getting banned for a week, etc. etc. etc....this is how he plays the game and it works! I think McCain was an absolute gentleman for taking the high road on this one. He can afford to sit back now and now let Obama and Hillary go at it. And some of the stuff that's come up on that is pure ridiculous. McCain's non-affair with a lobbyist that looks dead on his wife? Obama's kindergarten records that Hillary's people dug up for Pete's sake! And Obama in Kenyan clothes- so WHAT! His dad was Kenyan! He looked pretty darn good in those clothes too. But it doesn't MEAN anything. Politically. Saying Barack has terrorist ties in Kenyta because he wore Kenyan clothes is like saying that since I used to wear a ruana in Colombia I guess I am Manuel Marulanda's mistress, LOL! (I still have it and sometimes I still use it- it's WARM for wearing up in the mountains....) Btw that does NOT mean I'm on the Obama bandwagon. Charismatic as he is, I see that as his main attribute- it's useful but I need to know MUCH more. And Hillary- I know enough about her- and no. way. Looks like McCain for me though I really liked Huckaby a lot. On a "conservativeness" website, Steve took the "test for conservativeness" and got a 37 of, I got a 23.... I'm just not as conservative, I guess, as even I once thought I was. I'm pro-life. But I don't want a frackin' fence along the Rio Grande. I can't think of anything stupider. The gov't is so stupid it would be hiring companies who hire illegals to even put UP the fence. Guatemalan migrant workers sneaking into the US to work at Club Chef are NOT a national threat. What else...don't really want universal health care the way it's being proposed because do you really want what Canada thanks...but I do know that something has to be done to fix the system we DO have. Because we already HAVE universal health care- it's just that it's expensive ER services. I'm satisifed with my own health coverage. But I'd like that net in case it fails...that being said, I don't see how, logically, you can get insurance companies to be able to cover everyone. It would be nice but insurance companies have to make SOME profit or they will go out of business. Plain and simple. I don't believe it's fair to deny someone treatment if they are enrolled and they then get something very serious, like cancer. The more people get sick, though, the more everyone's premiums go up. Like any insurance. I don't think an insurance company is necessarily WRONG in saying to 60-year-old smoker with a risk for cancer, "sorry, can't insure you at a reasonable rate." If they said yes to every American, they couldn't stay afloat financially- premiums too expensive. But then I have the opinion that for CHILDREN there should always be treatment, the best and finest, no matter what their family's finances. And no matter what their family's nationality. Or legal status. I would be willing to pay for that in my taxes. There. I know a lot of hospitals and doctors do things like this already for free. I think that should always be the case. So there. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. At least for the next 5 minutes.

Sorry to ramble. It's MY blog and it's incoherent as usual. Bear it or stop reading it.

During this blizzard I read We Were the Mulvaneys. I got it for free at the adult spelling bee I was in (don't ask how I did- could YOU have spelled "mounteblank"?) Now Joyce Carol Oates does not know me. So how does this story KNOW me. And my life. HOW. I also picked up other free books including one about Mother Theresa with some utterly beautiful photos.


At 7:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great newsy blog. Congrats. to Steve for a raise, bonus and options - Reading Nathanael's blog, indicates to me he is thriving at Grinnell. A good fit, even though he has to wear shoes at the dining hall. All is well in Oxford and environs - everyone seems to be hale and hearty. How is Micah doing? And You? Dad

At 6:00 PM, Blogger Chuck said...

I could have spelled "mountebank". I probably could have spelled "mounteblank" too, despite its being a word previously unknown to lexicography. Also, good timing on Dad getting a raise just after you filed the financial aid forms for the year!

At 7:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, the word WAS mounteblank. The story they are doing in the company newsletter has you preceding me...what threw me was they said it was Italian...and a "k" in Italian just didn't make sense. It's some kind of puppet. So is a marotte. Anyway, I spelled it "mounteblanc", knowing that didn't look right either. I had ruled out "mounteblanque" (gender didn't fit) and "mounteblanch"...but a K...who knew? Oh right, YOU did. My teammates had suggested mountiblanque and mountablank, etc.
I don't recall that word in DC. I'm sure you could have figured it out. How would you have arrived at the "k" ending? -Mom

At 7:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I mean, in the company newspaper, they are going to talk about spelling bees in the family and have your story. I sent them links which still have your story in cyberspace. Your 8th grade self is still out there "tripping on ma-ma-marotte".

At 7:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh yeah I have a whole pile of ginger snaps ready. I will bring them Friday.


At 8:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry again. Yes it was "MOUNTEBANK" "L".

At 9:13 PM, Blogger Chuck said...

I knew it because I've heard it before. It's an old-timey insult. Old-Timey Strong Bad (who is different from regular Strong Bad) used it once, though it was in a DVD exclusive, so I never actually heard it. I thought I did, but I actually just read the transcript. Oh well.

At 10:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone that still claims to be conservative after the last 7+ years we’ve had has serious issues and should seek professional help immediately. I’m not kidding. I suspect that it will take far more than 7 years to dig the nation out of this mess. The economy never did rebound as our administration claims. Here’s why, every year for the last 3+ years Americans have had less disposable income each year. Does that sound like an improvement? Now we are in the beginning of stagflation, that’s a serious problem. The national Debt has grown to nearly 10 trillion dollars. That means every man woman and child in the USA owes over $30,000 toward the debt. Not good.

Know this if you know nothing else in life. Republicans have out-spent Democrats in office by a margin of 3 to 1 over the last 50 years. Tax and spend. Tax and spend.

At 11:04 PM, Blogger Chuck said...

Well personally, I don't worry about all this economy stuf that much, because I intend to get out of the system. Virtually every person in the country would be incapable of living without that cushiony supportive net of complex civilization. Currently, I doubt I could either. But I plan to fix that as soon as I can.

At 9:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't understand? how are you going to get out of the system? move to Mexico or something? shut yourself in like the unibomber?

At 7:28 PM, Blogger Chuck said...

You ask me that as if I had it all planned out already... I don't.

At 12:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Think before you speak. Empty words are for republicans.

At 3:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Politics it theater. If you believe there is a significant difference between the two(parties), you, the audience needs to start reading some other books, or move to a different theater.

Friends don't let friends adopt dogma and polarize. It leads nowhere.

At 7:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You could not be more wrong. If you do not believe there is a wide political and intellectual chasm between Barak Obama and George Bush, you either have your head in the sand or you live on an unihabited (exept for you) island. The difference could not be more stark. Barak (or Hillary) can both read and write. George Bush doesn't even own a book

At 4:08 PM, Blogger Jedog said...

Ann, you have a blog too...I was reading and jumping to your contacts, I think your brother has some pictures from Santiago...
I also have a blog since 2 years and a half...I read your last post, you talk about everything, fine, I will be here again.
Nice blog.

At 6:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is the theater I'm talking about. The show is being put on, and you are all buying it. To believe there is a substantive difference between McCain, Obama, and Clinton, is really naive. Intellectual chasms that are the theater of politics always boil down to lobbyists and selling votes. Every move can be predicted now by all three, and I think that anyone buying that we will be out of Iraq is also naive. None of these canidates will pull out the troops, regardless of what they are selling you now.

I still like Obama because he is the only canidate who has the power to inspire the people to take back some of what we don't even know we sold. I hope he can change some things, but I don't know if anyone can break the lobbyist-power brokering backroom dealmaking cycle. That is where all of the decisions are made, and we the people have no say in what goes on in those backrooms, because we long ago sold that, or more to the point, gave that power away.

I have a new blog on live journal, since nobody wanted to sit in the filth of myspace, I will get some pictures up like dailymom has! I can be found under the name cezzna.


At 7:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Naive. I plead guilty of believing there a very huge and basic difference in philosophy among our three viable candidates. If that is naivity then I am guilty. Basically Obama is an idealist, Clinton a pragmatist and McCain could not care less about anyone but his beloved rich republicans. How sad. But all of this is true and that I guess makes me naive.

Naive but blissful. G.Pa

At 5:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dad you just told me today you like McCain.



At 5:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like almost everyone. That doesn't mean I want them to be president

At 8:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Ann: Thanks for all of your help in taking care of Hayden, Sierra and Jazmin.
We were dead dog tired when we got home and slept late. Thanks again. Dad

At 3:22 PM, Blogger Chuck said...

You ever going to update this thing again?

At 11:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree. This was posted March 10 and today is April 15. Update, Update, Update. Rah! Rah! Rah!. Move it daughter. Dad


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