Monday, February 25, 2008

Sorry I haven't posted much lately. Lessee- a couple of weekends ago Micah had a great ski trip with the youth group. He thoroughly enjoyed it and the people he was with. He's also still going with his little girl Chichi and hanging around his homies Brandon (who goes with Georgina, the sister), Josh (who goes with their friend Amanda off/on- oh wait- he's a free agent right now), Dustin (who has a gf), and Conner (ladies 13-15, it's your lucky day since he's a free agent, too). Right now his interim report is less than stellar so he's grounded from everyone and everything non-homework until that is where he promised it would be. Dog is cute and growing- adjusting schedule back to the first one we had- no food after 6 p.m. to reduce accidents. He had one today but that's the first in 2 days and it wasn't his fault. Dog does not like to poo in the snow, garrrr! So he will poo on a floor or grass or anything as long as it isn't snow. I have read up on his breed (Boglen) and their kind is very smart (check) but has a short attention span (check) which makes training something you really have to attend to (um, check). Micah gets frustrated at times but so it goes. HE wanted a dog. The other things he does are very cute. I play "gogiddit" with him and he loooooves that. His breed (hybrid boston terrier/beagle) is VERY energetic (check) and very loyal (check)- lots of fun to watch. He has not a malicious bone in his body, but sometimes the teeth CAN be if left unchecked. He has now learned mostly to lick, not bite. He knows to reserve biting for sticks and toys.
YES, I know this is a run-0n entry. I don't spell-check 'em, I don't arrange them into cohesive paragraphs. Hm, Nathanael's enjoying his Iowa weather- more winter than he's ever had here by a long way However, THIS February has not done much to reinforce the global warming theory- it's been a heckuva lot snowier and colder than last February, though January was remarkably balmy. We had a couple of days in February where the jet stream pulled the gulf air up to us, but it's been mostly snow and a good amount of snowdays for Micah. It's still a more piddling amount of snow than Nathanael gets. But fair enough for here.
I am here at the 'puter -didn't go to work today- had what I think was food poisoning- so last night I paid lots of homage to the porcelain gods. Fun fun fun. But I'm better now. Steve brought me Gatorade which restored my electrolytes. Like depression, this is NOT a fun way to lose weight.


At 1:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Global warming "theory", what the #@%*

At 8:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK, "global warming"...whatever- semantics- sorry. Geez, get over it.

At 7:24 PM, Blogger Chuck said...

Theory is right. It's the scientific definition of "theory", which is "something that makes sense of our observations and/or experiments, and hasn't been shown to be wrong yet". You're thinking of a hypothesis. Those are the ones that are a dime a dozen, the ones that don't necessarily have data backing them up yet. Mom is vindicated! Mildly.


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