Sunday, September 03, 2006

We did the fireworks tonight- the fam and Karl. (sigh) Steve and Karl drank, Karl way too much. I worry about him. Fireworks were spectacular as usual. I will have to hand it to Cincy- they get better and better every year; nobody does fireworks like Cincy. People come the world over just for those.

So I'm in Borders yesterday and among the things I peruse is a tatooing magazine. You can see famous artists and their current work. So why do these talented artists assume everyone wants one of the following (for that's what it seems their work almost exclusively is): a wormy, rotting skull; deformed, monstrous beasts at war on your shoulderblades; a rotten fish; a wormy bunch of innards; a severed geisha head; a severed chicken head; a severed bloody hand giving the rock-on salute; a bondage scene; a pile of corpses. Uh...okay, so artfully why would anyone wear ink like that on their body for the rest of their life...whatever happened to eagles, dreamcatchers, doves (like my tat), dolphins, flowers, hearts (even broken ones), Crazy Horse, Celtic crosses, mermaids, and well, you know, something pretty that is not shooting eyeballs across your chest or vomiting down your leg. Do tattoos HAVE to look like Creepshow??? What GIVES?


At 9:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have a tatoo? I would never have guessed.


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