Wednesday, August 23, 2006

School has started with a whimper. The kids proclaim it "boring" but I'm sure that it is uncool to reveal anything truly exciting.

Steve and I agreed to try to stick to a schedule revolving around family breakfasts and dinners. If you know us, you know that family dinners haven't been often enough, though we have them, but we don't all eat at the exact same time, the exact same thing, every night. Well we are going to try.
The family breakfast- now there's a tradition we have actually NEVER done, but let's see how it goes. It's an agricolan one for sure. Well we will just all pretend we're going out to the fields. Steve wants to do the whole bacon and eggs routine, despite his cholesterol (for which, by the way, he no longer takes meds, citing possible liver damage as a side effect).

This is going to be difficult for this family of night owls. I have personally NEVER been a morning person. In fact, I rather detest greeting the smiling morning sun. Bleah. I might enjoy it were I not anemic with such low blood pressure- I tend to eat something, then crash 2 hours later. Well, mornings for me at work are sometimes OK, then sometimes I sleep during my lunch hour. There's a nice park across the street (where I met feral Luna)....I can fall asleep anywhere as long as I'm lying down. Warm rocks are best. :) I once slept several hours on a sunny rock on the beach of Monterrey; I have never slept in a bed as comfortable!

Sorry to digress but this blog is just for my ramblings. Read at your own peril. Owner of blog accepts no responsibility for accidents caused as a consequence of you falling asleep reading it. Preferably on a rock.


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