Sunday, June 03, 2007

There were 33 people in our house last night! :)

It was by far the way coolest party/ get-together ever.

There was/were NO:

-political arguments (okay Dad ALMOST started one but I shook my head behind him at Tami and Jim, his usual targets, and said "don't bite!!") and headed that off at the pass. For the rest of the night he was his OLD self and in great spirits.
-put-downs or insults.
-paranoia ("that person's out to get me...")
-drunkenness, despite the plethora of drinks available. (occurs more on my side.)
-uncomfortable silence. -kids fighting (where doesn't that happen?).




-people talking and laughing.
-kids all getting along.

Miracle from God!

No one put down because of their beliefs! Woot!!!

And I thoroughly enjoyed being Queen Victoria Agnes Mildew and making Sierra my Pink Princess.


At 6:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree. It was a very nice party, and we all love Nathanael, so who would make the evening unpleasant? Thanks, Ann and Steve, for doing it, and thanks especially to Carl for all the wonderful food and hard work. And again, congratulations, Nathanael. You are a really great kid! Grandma

At 1:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

No political wars, Christian-bashing (bashers would have been outnumbered), whining, insults, or little digs... so nice.


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