Sunday, May 06, 2007

This weekend- great weather! Saturday packed and podded, then Nathnael and I went to church with Dave & his kids and Maria & Jasmine. I'd like to get involved in that church. There are so many opportunities. I have some spiritual gifts that I need to be using and I can use them there regarding child care and music. Then Sunday I and the family went to our church. Kids went to Sunday School and then we all went (as usual) to the late service. We don't do the early one simply because the kids don't want to get up that early and to be honest, neither do we. :) Anyway, during the 11:00 I sought out Chris Topits (middle school SS teacher) and cornered him and Micah and set out a discussion with some doubts and questions Micah has about the presence of God, faith, where is God when things go rough, why does it seem He won't answer me, how can they prove the resurrection of Christ, and why is it that I'm having trouble in school with Charlie, Victoria, and Evan...and why won't God smack'em every time they bug me...Chris had a gooood talk with Micah and we got smome peace of mind restored. I am going to go to Steve, the other SS teacher, who has an excellent rapport with kids and who is very spirit led, and we will talk with him. I also believe that a place like Crossroads will give Micah an additional bunch of connections and especially ADULT CHRISTIAN MEN outside (and also inside) the family to mentor him. He really bonds and looks up to role model men, always has, and getting the right men to mentor him is the thing. If you get the right guys, things go extremely right and the wrong guys can make things go nearly irreversibly wrong. Preferably the ideal Christian role model guys are a few years older than he is, are "fly", have a lot of fun, and all who are intimately connected with God and have the whole spirit filled life. Is that a tall order? Adolescence is such an impressionable time. There is never a more impressionable time except the first year or two of life.

I am so excited for Dave and all he is doing and becoming and realizing and every day the spirit of God seems to reveal something new to him. It's just amazing. We were talking yesterday and we both feel that at some point we will be called into mission work of some type, don't know when or how. I have a high tolerance for heat and the third world and languages and love children, you bake that recipe. I'm not a nurse but I am really sensitive to babies and little children espeically. I just know babies. Dave feels he could become a missionary pilot. His church has a mission in, I think South Africa- isolated town- lots of members of their church do mission trips there. For now, though, my mission is still my kids and his is his kids...Hayden and Sierra...Micah and Nathanael.

There's no conclusion to this entry. You will have to just stay tuned. The kingdom of God advances!

"My kingdom is not of this earth."- Jesus


At 9:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't suppose you would like me to answer Micah's questions about god do you? I will explain it very quickly. With two letters. "S" and "B" (not necesarilly in that order)


At 5:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are proof that God has a sense of humor.


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