Big Guy went to the SPCA today. Hard to say goodbye. But one too many accidents. Sorry, Big Guy. Did he feel betrayed? Does he think I'm coming back for him? I wish I had a barn and a traffic-free neighborhood. I hope he gets a better home. He'll make a great pet- great disposition and if someone stays home with him all the time he won't have accidents. In fact, they might treat him there so he won't have them any more. They won't kill him, either.
So we're cat-free.
Micah's been praying that Oreo and Brio return. Like I did when Cotton returned as I was praying, when I was about 8 or 9. I wish I could understand or explain to him why they haven't returned. Micah thinks God doesn't answer him. I tell him He does, but in His time. I couldn't explain about the cats he wants back. God, can you help me answer him? Lord, if you don't bring those cats back, can you give me the words to explain to him?
I pray for his pain to stop when he has a headache, and God answers the prayer as I lay my hands on his head. The first time I did that, Micah was afraid to admit it worked. But I could see how amazed he was as this incredulous look came across his face as he shook his head to check if any traces of the headache were still there. I think God is telling me it's time I teach him how to really pray. Do I know enough myself? I do, even though I'm pretty simple at it, and it doesn't take lots of brains or power, just a simple heart, which I don't always have; I have to humble myself. But prayer really works. It does. I can't even begin to tell you all the big and small miracles of answered pray I have seen every day. Sometimes the answers are supernatural. Sometimes they are natural.
You don't have to know anything except being sincere in invoking the blood of Christ and God's will, praying in the name of Jesus Christ and His blood. And oh my goodness I'm only beginning, just beginning, to see the results. I guess God is opening up the door to show this to Micah. I have told him these things before, but I think I'm going to have to really pray a lot WITH him for certain things and then see the results. And that it isn't a magician that God is going to be, just ask and poof there it is. It's all part of God's timing and sometimes, sometimes the answers to our prayers are not what we want, because it isn't always for our own good...but God ALWAYS listens and there is always an answer.
More issues with Micah at school (this time with catty little girls who got him mad and HE exploded). Still discussing changing schools. Going to see what happens. Steve handled the situation unacceptably. Totally missed the mark by using good points and terrible discourse (in other words, the point was drowned in all the yelling). Something else I need to pray about. But it opened up some dialogue that Micah and I shared. Wish Steve could connect this way.
All in due time Ann. Prayer really helps to cleanse out the hardships we face and to help others. It is a way to not feel so alone and to know there is always someone to turn to. Your kids a fortunate to have such a great,spiritual loving mom like you. I know life can get so hectic and frazzled at times. But always look forward to tomorrow and know everything will be ok and it could be worse for sure in many situations. Bless you and your family.
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