Sunday, October 30, 2005

general irritation

I'm really irritable right now. Due to many things, irritated at my kids, Steve, Kroger's, money situations, etc. We have enough money but I sometimes honestly can't figure out where it's going. When I alone control it, I do well. With Steve there is tons more money but I have no idea sometimes what's going on. Half of it ends up in his belly. Like one day he went to IHOP and spent $23 eating some damn pancakes. "But there was this omelet I had to have!"I'm sorry but NO ONE spends fracking $23 on IHOP. Then he yells at ME for "running up the credit card" when I'm ONLY getting groceries and whatever other things are very few and inexpensive.

Micah is demanding. He's 12 and I love him. But man he is just so darn demanding sometimes. I just get tired listening to him ask me for things. Always his agenda. Everything has to revolve around his agenda. It gets soooooooo frustrating and irritating after a while. "I need Darth Vader Gloves! I need Darth Vader Gloves! OK we are going at exactly 3:00 to get the gloves. Mom why do you spend so much time watching TV?" (I'm not... it's just the Bengals.) "Mom, you fell asleep,that means you're not interested in the game so can we go get my Darth Vader gloves now? Right now? Why not now? Why do you always yell at me?"


At 9:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What!!! It doesn't end? It sounds like 7, like my house. AAAHHHHHHH


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